hello over there

Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

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Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

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Entries in my sacred life (23)


just me, the rebel, and blue sky (my sacred sunday)

blue sky and water

january persistence

discovered wings

discovered wings 2

this is me

january smile

reflecting blue and green


seeking balance at the end of the day...

seeking balance 12_9


a (crafty) (sacred) sunday

fabric strips

crochet and christmas music


five {my sacred life}

november 16

on friday, we celebrated five years of marriage. it feels like a very big deal, in a very good way. as i wrote out the card i gave jon, i was thinking about how much fun we had during our wedding ceremony. yes, i said fun. about two minutes after i got to the front of the church, we looked at each other with this understanding that we were getting to the good part. i recall standing there and just soaking it all up. i wanted to remember everything. and somehow i was able to observe it all happening while being very present.

the planning of our wedding was a bit (okay more than a bit) stressful. for lots of reasons. and to get to this part, the beginning of us, was such a reward for all that stress.

so we had fun. so much fun. and we felt the love of family and friends and community. and all the special moments, the little touches that were so important to me, made a difference in making it what it was meant to be. i loved that day.

today, we are at the good part. the hard, crazy, painful, beautiful, amazing good part. the part that stretches you more than ever dreamed you could stretch. the part that forces you to look inward when you would rather look out. the part that reminds you of all that is good about love and truth. the part that has you wondering and believing. the good part. the part where you remember why you said yes to possibility and yes to hope and yes to one another. the part where you reach out your hand and know someone will be there to hold you.

(visit other sacred sundays here)

and i want to say today: thank you...all of you...for your comments and emails. your kindness fills my heart up with all that is good. bless you.


the goodness {my sacred sunday}


there is a chair under there (and a few of these to the left, do you see them?), 11 november 2007

the goodness. i feel like i am sitting inside it. even when i hit some bumps (or hills or mountains) in my path, somewhere inside me, i am still aware of the goodness.

to be aware of the goodness through tears, that is something...a clue that things are shifting.

fabric 2

another pile, some soon to be a few of these, 11 november 2007

today, i sang and sewed for hours and hours. and i felt this goodness growing within.

i was thinking about a conversation i had last night that lasted until the first few minutes of today. i am enjoying the beginnings of a deep friendship, a soul-full friendship, with a beautiful kindred spirit. and, i was thinking about how conversations where you can just spill it, your truth, and share yourself without any worry of judgement are true blessings. these are moments to be tucked in the pocket of your heart. moments you can turn to when you are faced with one of those bumps in the road so that you remember who you are in the midst of something that might be inviting you to forget.

and then i was singing these words*:

I won’t hold anything back
And I won’t hold anything in...

...I’m still
Willing to begin

and then i was thinking about this, about truths and laughter and ideas shared, about letting go of assumptions and past disappointments and embracing a new path, and i found myself taking a deep breath, a contented sigh even...and i wanted to capture that feeling...that blissful feeling of beginning and action and love and truth that is growing inside me...so i took a picture so you could see how it looks on me...


(visit more sacred sundays here)
*words from mandy moore's song "most of me"