hello over there

Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
upcoming ecourse

Come along to Tell It: 15 days of prompts and inspiration to feed your creative soul. Register right here.

in the shop

Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

stay connected

Entries in my sacred life (23)


in july, i will...


the backyard view from here

backyard book picnic (so far really enjoying how to read a poem)


In July, I will:

Drive around downtown until I find that blue wall and then take out my tripod and take a self-portrait or 30.

Eat a lot of watermelon.

Send a letter or two each week (the kind that needs stamps).

Get outside every single day.


Read just for fun in the middle of the day.

Take a deep breath when I feel my assumptions rising to the top.

Picnic (often).

Go to a few movies.

Go on a few dates with Jon.

Hug my dad.

Eat more salads filled with the goodness that is summer veggies.

Wear a headscarf or two.

Learn all the words to Gotye’s “Somebody that I Used to Know” so we can sing it loudly on our next road trip.

Make limeade.

Make ice cream.

Play in a fountain with Ellie.

Keep the inspiration for leaning into summer flowing by adding to a growing Pinterest board of good things.

And you? What do you hope to invite into your world next month?


living it.

manzanita view

manzanita view . may 9, 2009

Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.




today 2

the april bag...story to come

lucky to have a husband who takes care of me, of us

blessed to have friends who give me space to be me

happy (really really happy) to be playing (to be finally playing) with fabric and thread and putting that pedal to the floor

content to hear the dripping on the roof and the wind rustling the trees

owning that i choose how to respond in each moment (even if i want to pretend that isn't the truth sometimes)

grounded while listening to jakob dylan

open to what is to come

(what is going on in your world?)

my sacred life


a peek into pieces of the weekend.

m and ms

Number of spice drops consumed: over 100
Number of spice jars filled with buttons according to color: 17
Number of buttons sorted: between 6,000 and 12,000
Number of button flower pins made: 26
Number of hot glue burns: 1
Number of perfect comfortable standing on concrete while also looking cute shoes found: 1
Number of crying breakdowns: 0 (almost 5…all me)
Number of deep breaths taken: many
Number of trips to the thrift store: 1
Number of cups of coffee consumed: at least 8
Number of turkey sandwiches consumed while walking between the coffee shop and the car: 1
Number of interesting swear words uttered: too many to count
Number of times "Rocks and Water" sung aloud: about 9
Number of times chocolate stash raided: 2
Number of trips to Target for emergency supplies: 1
Number of almost calluses caused by pinking shears: 1
Number of trips to Bremerton, WA to pick up a Craig's List purchase that is the perfect finishing touch to my candy-store inspired booth: 1
Number of items crossed off the to-do list: a lot

Having a friend spend the weekend with you (and stay an extra night) with the sole purpose of supporting you and helping you cut, glue, sort, package, create, plan, dream, and organize; and chauffeuring you; and listening to (putting up with) the music that makes you happy…all the while always being supportive, never complaining, and simply making you feel good about yourself…and having a husband who keeps said friend and you fed and is the king of all things needing to be stamped with number/letter stamps and ink: the blessings that make up this moment right now…




the sun shines;
her heart opens (slightly).


i take a breath
and another
and i read this again
and again

my sacred life sunday.