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Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

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Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

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Entries in self-portrait challenge (27)



food week 1

jonny will check in with me before heading home from work, and if he senses that i am the "i am so overwhelmed and i forgot to eat today" me, he will suggest, "chicken, rice, broccoli for dinner?"

"yes, yes, yes," i will respond.

i love how this meal always fills me up with its simplicity and goodness.

see more food-related self-portraits over at self-portrait challenge.

(this is also a photo that shows you a pretty good angle of my new nina necklace. oh how i love it - the color is THE color...)

(this photo is also in exercise in letting go of all vanity as this angle of my double-chinned neck just makes me sigh. but here, in this little corner of the world, my little corner of the world, i invite myself, in this moment, to just let it go...)


tea and flannel {self-portrait challenge}

tea and flannel

After I turn on my laptop and feed the dog, I fill the teapot with water, choose my cup of the day, choose my tea (probably genmaicha), and take a moment to just look out the window until the water boils. Already in my office clothes, I brew the tea and settle in for the day.

Fall is here.

(see more self-portraits here)


looking for peace among patterns

pattern august 27
my sacred life, august 27

attempting to let go of some of the old patterns, the samscaras, of my life. examining them daily - this is who i am - and sometimes it is tiring. but, then there are the moments when i can step outside myself to realize i can stop examining and simply loosen the grip a bit and move on. let go. let something greater than me take over holding tightly for a while. realize that maybe holding on too tightly has created this groove that could become impossible to stop tracing. i do not have to hold it all up. i can take a breath. i can take a breath and allow peace to fill the maze of trenches the patterns (the ones i must let go) have created. i can (let peace in).

looking for a shift by rearranging and letting go of some of the physical things in my (our) space. looking for closeness and warmth and rooms that feel more like nests and less like storage spaces. letting go of the stuff that held significance once and now just collects dust. sending it on to be loved by someone else. looking for more peace in less clutter, more peace (between us).

being honest about what i need. what. i. need. being honest with myself first. being. honest. with. myself. (first)

letting go (trying to let go) of the invisible piles (of guilt).

finding peace in this new corner of my home where my favorite chair, my first big purchase just for me years ago, now resides. we were going to give it away, but simply rearranging has created the perfect space. it is my new corner to work and nap and read and curl up with a favorite plaid blanket. it is another little space in my home; my home: the place i spend most of my hours. it is another space where i can seek and find peace (within).


see more self-portraits on the theme patterns here
visit more folks participating in my sacred life here


touching the earth

pattern week 3

as a young girl, i was often transfixed by globes and maps. i spent time turning the globes in my grade-school classrooms, looking at the colors of the countries, wondering what it would be like to live far away from where i lived in "the middle" of the united states. i loved the moment in a history class when the teacher would unfurl the map from its hidden location above the blackboard. when looking through atlases and spinning globes, i wondered if countries could choose their color. i enjoyed running my fingers over bumpy topographical maps and thinking about the mountains and how high they might be. i remember realizing that all the oceans were connected and often thought that there should just be one name for all the water connecting the continents. my parents bought me a globe pillow and i spent time choosing my favorite country name and dreaming of taking trips to that country when i was old enough to explore the world on my own.

now, jon and i often remark something to one another when we see a globe in a store. "look at that." "we should get one of those." "i love globes."

i think it might be time for me to finally have a globe of my own. i also think it might be time for me to start seriously planning some adventures.


connection found {self-portrait challenge}

pattern week 2

feeling tired. a bit overwhelmed. close to weepy. i seek...i pause to notice. what is it that i need? breathing with purpose, slowly, i realize: i seek connection. i go to my altar and take a breath and open my heart to what i am seeking. my rocks. from the shores of puget sound at fort worden. i hold them tightly and remember. i am part of the water. i am tumbling and twisting on my journey. i am slicing open and breaking apart. i am shiny on the sand. i am part of the earth. i am waiting. i am open. i am found.

to see more reactions to the challenge of pattern, visit self-portrait challenge.