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looking for peace among patterns

pattern august 27
my sacred life, august 27

attempting to let go of some of the old patterns, the samscaras, of my life. examining them daily - this is who i am - and sometimes it is tiring. but, then there are the moments when i can step outside myself to realize i can stop examining and simply loosen the grip a bit and move on. let go. let something greater than me take over holding tightly for a while. realize that maybe holding on too tightly has created this groove that could become impossible to stop tracing. i do not have to hold it all up. i can take a breath. i can take a breath and allow peace to fill the maze of trenches the patterns (the ones i must let go) have created. i can (let peace in).

looking for a shift by rearranging and letting go of some of the physical things in my (our) space. looking for closeness and warmth and rooms that feel more like nests and less like storage spaces. letting go of the stuff that held significance once and now just collects dust. sending it on to be loved by someone else. looking for more peace in less clutter, more peace (between us).

being honest about what i need. what. i. need. being honest with myself first. being. honest. with. myself. (first)

letting go (trying to let go) of the invisible piles (of guilt).

finding peace in this new corner of my home where my favorite chair, my first big purchase just for me years ago, now resides. we were going to give it away, but simply rearranging has created the perfect space. it is my new corner to work and nap and read and curl up with a favorite plaid blanket. it is another little space in my home; my home: the place i spend most of my hours. it is another space where i can seek and find peace (within).


see more self-portraits on the theme patterns here
visit more folks participating in my sacred life here

Reader Comments (9)

I have been working on similar patterns, including not speaking up for myself or letting my voice be heard. I think it has slowed down my writing life...and only by saying what I need to say will my pen get moving again. Thank you for sharing this.

August 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLeft-handed Trees...

Again, so many words speak to my heart.
Thank you for being so honest about your feelings. For putting them here for us to read...and reflect.


August 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAmber

i hear you. these words are so true: "...the moments when i can step outside myself to realize i can stop examining and simply loosen the grip a bit and move on. let go. let something greater than me take over holding tightly for a while."

isn't it such a wonderful feeling to realize that sometimes we do need to take a step back and just let things go unexamined? thanks for posting this.

August 28, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterodessa

hey liz...i haven't stopped by for a while...and sure enough when i do...your message seems to be so appropriate for my life. i love it when that happens. very true heartfelt words.

August 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterannie

so often that letting go is the catalyst for great momentum. it's like your last post (loved that quote!) - acceptance is part of the journey. thanks for this reminder!

August 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterwish studio

so beautiful, and true. We all need to be more true to ourselves- we only have one life!

August 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterellene

With this move, I too understand about changing patterns, making new space, and needing to free myself up within and without as preparation for my tomorrows. Peace to you dear one ... xx, JP/deb

August 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJane Poe (aka Deborah)

this photo is so calming!

August 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterplatinum blonde

This is a beautiful post. Bless you for seeking peace.



August 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

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