a bit from here
pausing in my favorite coffee shop near the market
a list of here:
hearing the keys tap and letters click poem notes onto vintage ledger paper.
gathering so much goodness to take with me across the miles to a favorite little town where i will sit surrounded by women ready to dive in and unearth their stories. yes.
smiling as i think about a couple of conversations this week that were lanterns on my path.
filling my little list of etsy orders before i head to the midwest monday. i have now had more sales this year than all previous years of the shop combined. wow. thank you big for supporting my shop and for deeply getting the stories i am telling with these talismans. (i will be gone for two weeks so any new orders will ship the week of may 24.)
laughing as i watch ellie find something she wants across the room and then move herself so very quickly as she crawls to get it. she sleeps in child's pose now and i think it is because she wants to be ready to be on the move as soon as her eyes open.
remembering that the only way to teach what i know is to live what i know.