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Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
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Come along to Tell It: 15 days of prompts and inspiration to feed your creative soul. Register right here.

in the shop

Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

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Entries in color (13)


{a week of} pink: the promise of spring




each day this week i have been breathing in the sweet, strong, specific smell of the hyacinths that bloom on our kitchen windowsill. even though winter and the grey are also a part of each day, this feast of the senses blooming in my home reminds me that in this corner of the world the crocuses try to bloom in february, the days are getting longer, and the cherry tree already has buds in anticipation of its march performance. each day this week (in this week of pink), i have been reminded that spring will return...

{a week of} pink: the simple things


a few of the simple things that made this day brighter...
taking a few moments just for me 
wearing my favorite happy socks and bloomers and even wearing shoes

the ritual of making tea 
sitting at the table (without the laptop) with a snack
letting go of keeping my favorite vintage tablecloth for good and using it every day

the smell of a warm pumpkin muffin
a dash of homemade whipped cream
a favorite mismatch plate from my college apartment

gathering books to inspire and nudge me just a bit
breathing in the quiet
pushing myself to know i am enough

i am playing along with christina today (in my week of pink sort of way). such inspiration in the participants' posts...

{a week of} pink: a glimpse into the little room









just having a little fun looking through the lens for a week of pink.

(if you decide to play along, be sure to let me know.)


{a week of} pink


a few months back, darlene and i were talking about various blog post ideas and i mentioned that i would love to focus on specific colors for a week at a time every now and then as a photography exercise on my blog. and then this weekend, i was thinking that maybe every now and then i would have "a week of...[insert to be determined prompt here]" on be present, be here to push me to post each day during a week and also to find inspiration in a specific prompt or theme. as i write this, i am thinking that maybe some of you out there will stumble upon these "a week of" posts and be inspired to play along every now and then...

this week, as those of us in certain corners of the world see the wintery gray of february looming before us, i think bringing in a little color might brighten things up a bit. last week, i mentioned being inspired by pink (well, a little bundle of goodness is joining us in a few months, so i have it on the brain) and gathered some flickr favorites together in this post, which all leads to me to this: a week of pink.

during the next few days, i will probably focus on photos that capture snippets of this color...photos i will take this week and photos in my archives. but i also think it would be fun to write using "pink" as the prompt or even create something with a little pink (perhaps the paints and a canvas will make an appearance on the kitchen table...).

also, wednesday i will be participating in christina's simple things (though i imagine that my simple things post will be a bit pink inspired). if you aren't familiar with christina's "simple things" posts and invitation to play along, you simply have to find out more on her blog. (and note that christina and her family are going to donate $1 to doctors without borders for each person who participates in "simple things" this wednesday. really, you must join in on the fun.)

if you do decide to play along in this week of pink, through your stories or photos or poems or lists, even if just for one day, please do let me know in the comments.

hope you are breathing deeply in your corner of the world...

see you tomorrow...




a photo list: pink

inspiration pink.


Photo credits: 1. Green in the pink, 2. Target Tuesday: Pink Glasses, 3. The Bells Are Ringing!, 4. Tea/Coffee and Books..., 5. Lotus Pink & Green, 6. Pomegranate in pink, 7. Yarn Stash:: Malabrigo, 8. vintage pillowcases, 9. Pink tulips, 10. 181/365: Pink and green should never be seen, 11. vintage pink buttons , 12. 182/365: Purple haze, 13. Spools of Pink, 14. one more time, 15. _MG_0039, 16. a pretty pink bellis tuesday !

As a pink hyacinth begins to bloom in the kitchen windowsill of my newly clean and much more organized home, I am thinking about making next week a week of pink. The truth is that my favorite color is blue. But a dash, just a dash of pink makes me very very happy. And don't get me started on pink buttons. But a dash of pink during a time of year that seems to sometimes be steeped in grey? Yes, I think that sounds just about perfect.

Want to join me for a little pink next week?