a week of color: green {and SPC}
continuing with color week and bringing in the earth for self-portrait challenge.
i have always felt drawn to the earth element. i believe this is because i constantly seek that feeling of being grounded.
the earth, literally and spiritually, grounds me.
and green is a color of summer. the plants that grow and bend and bloom in our backyard are a true color pallete of green. right now, i think of the hydrangeas as being green ready to burst into purple, blue, and pink...
over the past few months, a part of me seems to be calling green into my life. some traditions say that green in the color of the heart chakra. i remember that the day i saw my grandmother after she died, i felt as though my heart was broken, and afterwards, i could easily and quickly tap into that physical feeling when i thought of her, when my mind and heart were lost in the grief. about a year later, i think my calling to green began. when my mom and i went to sedona in february, one of my spa treatments was called the soul seeker. the woman who did the treatment worked on releasing past pain in my throat and my heart. since that day, my heart has not hurt. i still grieve, but i do not feel the sharp, physical, breath-catching pain in my heart. since then, i find myself drawn to green jewelry and clothing; perhaps they are talismans to remind me to let my heart breathe and open.
updated in 2011: Self-Portrait Challenge (SPC) was a website that encouraged people to take and share self-portraits. I am sad to report that it no longer has an active website, so I have removed links that appeared in the posts connected to my participation in this project.
Reader Comments (13)
Such a sweet homage. Green is such a centering color, so good.
that's a nice self portrait!
beautiful, miz liz elayne. i went with air for the opposite reason you went with earth, but now that i've read this, i totally am earth/grounded, too!
i think that green always symbolizes a fresh start; perhaps one beyond the pain and grief.
good for you, for grounding and for healing. amazing pics, too. sending you love.
That seems like it makes a lot of sense.
Love the photo
Lovely photos and post. And I've heard before that we're often drawn to colors that relate to areas where we need balance, so I think there's something to your green theory.
Beautiful pictures of green. I love your color interpretations. :)
Great photo - a beautiful answer to both the color and self-portrait challenges. And I'm so flattered that you linked to my earrings - I only wish I had more of those delicious beads.
i love this picture of you. makes me want to go lay in the grass too!
Seems like you are coming to terms with all the things you need to...noticing what needs to be noticed. *THAT* is very grounding!
I just discover your blog today, and instantly felt a kinship about being in touch with the ground. Having moved from California to Missouri I was sad to learn about "chiggers", which make it a little harder to just lay down on the ground :(... Thank you for your post and the reminder to get in touch with the earth. I love the title of your blog.
I love the pictures of they flowers right before they're going to bloom open with colour. It's that moment before they transform ... rather like many of us who are on the cusp of truly blossoming and coming in to our own. Wonderful post, xx, JP
What fantastic green shots!