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these days...

a couple of images from a little self-portrait session i did in a peek of sun earlier this week

these days i am...

writing . finishing the last chapter and other parts of the book. my editor's endless patience has been quite the gift during these weeks of trying to be creative with writing, photography, working in the studio while doing perhaps the most creative thing i have ever done (grow a human being). i am behind. but i am getting it done. and it feels like these words i am writing on the page are appearing exactly as they need to.

seeing . the elves were here again (in the form of my mom and steve) and we have unearthed more corners of our home so that it feels more like a true home and not a gathering place for stuff. we have more light, more room, and just the push we needed to keep it a bit neater on a day to day basis. my heart feels so much lighter each time jon and i work together to clean up after dinner, do the laundry, and so on...and most importantly, sit at the table together for meals.

gathering . little pieces of this and that to turn a guest room into the room where the new member of our family will live. there is a crib and a happy chandelier and a few bits of pink and purple. in the little room, i have begun gathering some bits to create the prayer flags that will hang above her and welcome her into the rhythms and love of our world.

listening . i have been sitting in the quiet to hear the wisdom within me. a humming meditation and toning in the shower are pushing me to remember my grounded true self. 

adventuring . just finished rereading about magpie's adventures in dreamdark and am ordering the next one. i just love that laini has given us a standing tall in her place in this world heroine that i can't wait for my daughter to meet one day as she turns the pages while on her own reading adventure.

seeking . today, i started reading birthing from within. there have been a few somewhat interesting experiences while having ultrasounds and appointments during this growing a human being time and there is the very slight chance i might have a scheduled c-section. i came close to pitching a tent in the land of uncertainty, especially when i didn't feel like i was being given clear information. but, i am now pushing myself toward being planted in the world of feeling strong in my body, heart, and mind as i see the third trimester of this adventure on the horizon. it is good.

dancing . little breaks to get this body moving have been such a good thing on these grey days. millie, baby bean, and i enjoy michael franti on repeat (dare you to sit still). and really i just can't get enough of joshua radin. 

knowing . a group of women has surrounded me during the last few months with their wisdom. with their words of "i am right here next to you. cry as long as you need to" when i thought a dream was dying. with their pushing me to see the truth when i felt like someone had peeked inside my idea journal and torn out every page. with their gentle answers to my many mama questions. with their loud, real laughter. with their brainstorming. with their reminders. with their truth. with their love. and i sit here knowing this truth, this truth that i am not alone, and my heart fills with this truth and i know i am blessed.

and you? what have you been experiencing these days? i would love to know... 

Reader Comments (12)

You look radiant Liz. I am picturing a healthy and happy delivery for you and your baby. Hang in there-sometimes it can be scary not knowing how it's all going to go, but ultimately, the most important thing is that you both get the best care possible.

I am experiencing the realization of a life-long dream to participate in the Olympics. I am having the time of my life. Every day has been a huge adventure and the universe has just thrown the doors wide open-I've been granted all kinds of amazing memories, one right after the other. I sometimes have a hard time believing it really is happening.

(I am blogging it if you want to share in my adventure.)

So yeah, life is good, very good right now.

Sending you hugs!!

February 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLelainia Lloyd

I am so happy things are going well. You have a baby belly!

February 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMeri

Oh, you look good, Liz! Pregnancy seems to agree with you!

Pregnancy and childbirth and motherhood have taught me that I am far stronger than I would have thought. You are discovering new parts of you as your little one grows, and the journey doesn't end. Exciting and exhausting and exhilarating, all at once.

I've been under the weather, but strong enough to get done what needs to be done. And I've rested without agitation or guilt or worries, for the most part, which has been a blessing!

February 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJudy Merrill-Smith

Your photos convey a sense of peace and a place of happiness. And I just love your baby bump.
I'm so glad to know that you are feeling grounded and present in this most precious time - which can also be a time of uncertainty, of doubt, and of endless questions. You are a wise cookie, and I have faith that you and your husband will walk this journey together with a rhythm that feels safe and right to you both.
Have a great Sunday!! xo

February 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbella

you look so beautiful, sweet thing. at peace, and walking the calm life. what a wonderful time in your life, this is! never fear, all will go as it should. i ended up having a c-section with robin, my first, and then managed to have a vaginal delivery with roy. both births were beautiful.
your belly - holding precious cargo - what a lovely image that is.
sending you much love - xoxo

February 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenternina

ohhhh....look at you! so cute and adorable working that baby belly!!


what have i been up to? just trying to keep my head above the water...
the winter is kind of taking it's toll...
but it will come...it will come.

February 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commentergkgirl

sweet little baby bump!! i LOVE it!!! i loved this post and hearing all about what has been going on in your world.

sending you much love and light....keep writing and organizing and preparing and enjoying and loving and being!!!


February 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkolleen

Sounds like some incredible days both happening now and yet to come. You are beautiful and amazing and powerful in your own special way.

February 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkristine

beautiful beautiful beautiful. am looking forward to more writing, i think you and i are on the same path.

February 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterchelsea

beautiful you...

February 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle Ensminger

you are so beautiful!
i had a c- section as well. i am here for you.
you are doing great baking over there. ; )

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

Wait. SQUEAL. How have I missed this??! You're pregnant?! Oh I am so excited for you!!
This is such huge news--and it makes me so happy for you!

February 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

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