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the random thoughts of the last few minutes

strawberries + cream
strawberries + cream. what more could a girl want really?


today has been too quiet. 
i wrote a rambling complaining sort of a paragraph here and deleted it.
i keep humming "hallelujah" after hearing it on the "hope for haiti" special tonight.
sometimes i wish i could flip a switch and cause my mind to simply settle in for a nap.
when the baby moves, sometimes i feel like she is pulling right on my heart.
sometimes i forget i am pregnant and then the baby will move and for split second i wonder why i am having such odd indigestion.
having a clean house is really the best thing ever.
i wish i could wave a magic wand and all would be okay.
there are still some strawberries and cream in the fridge from last night and i might go have some right now.
though i kind of want a chocolate milk shake.
i wish you were here. 
i hope i am going to be a good mom.
i am taking another breath right now.
and another.
i am trusting in what i know.
i am terrified.
i hope we have blue sky again tomorrow and if we do, i promise to leave the house.
millie is just staring at the door waiting for jon to get home.
may (only) sweet dreams visit you (and me) tonight.


PS more information about the week of pink (that i mentioned in the previous post) to come this weekend. i am thinking photos, stories, whatever you want to share. will post more thoughts soon.

Reader Comments (7)

You are going to be an amazing mommy...I have great mom radar and when I met you it went off and it told me...Liz has such a sweet and nurturing heart and I am a stranger to her...Your voice and your being are strong and so loving...Yup..Let me tell you I have 3 kids so I can tell you are amazing now and will more amazing in a couple months....promise

January 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commentergloria

A funny story about the Hallelujah song. When I was pregnant with August I would play that song all the time, the KD Lange version. On our first night away from August for Joe's birthday August was about 2 weeks old my mom was watching him. When we got home she said she played a set list from my Ipod which were all lullaby type songs. But she said he really likes that Hallelujah song not knowing that is what I had played when I was pregnant. I was so amazed. So now I sing it to him every night when we go to sleep. He now sings along. I of course only sing the Hallelujah part b/c really the rest of the words are not really kid appropriate. . So I guess keep playing music to little Lamoreux. She can hear it!

January 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVirginia

liz dear...i have NO DOUBT that you will be the best kind of mommy for your little one. like gloria, i too, can usually sense maternal nurturing in a person and you, my dear girl, HAVE IT! don't forget...you ALREADY are being a great mother. think about all you are doing to ensure your little girl can have the best start at life outside your body! see! give yourself a big hug!
hugs and kisses to you!

January 23, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterchrissy

i remember all too well those fears and worries about what kind of mom i would be and that was 10 years ago!!! YOU are going to be an amazing mom....you have SO much love, SO much tendernes.

You were born to be an incredible mama!! You are going to teach this little one so much!! You are one of the most compassionate, warm people i have ever met!!

wasn't that version of "Hallelujah" great! oh i loved it!!

loving you!

January 23, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkolleen

do not be terrified, my friend. you are never alone, you shall be wonderful at all things. xo

January 23, 2010 | Unregistered Commenternina

What an exciting time ... you *will* be an awesome mom and jon and awesome dad - no doubt!

Miss you and thinking of you. Let me know if you have some free time in the near future.


January 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJanePoet ~ JP/deb

There are so many thoughts that go through our heads even in the most quiet moments.

January 24, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermjb

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