hello over there

Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
upcoming ecourse

Come along to Tell It: 15 days of prompts and inspiration to feed your creative soul. Register right here.

in the shop

Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

stay connected

Entries in notes to myself (34)


let's throw open the windows (in your corner)

your corner (jan 3) from liz lamoreux on Vimeo.

earlier today, i had the desire to continue the conversation about how we can focus on our own corners and make them beautiful. (visit this post from last month to watch the first [much shorter] video about this idea of letting go of focusing on everyone else's corner and spending time on our own.) this video is a bit longer than i planned (you will understand why a few minutes in), but i just felt moved to share some thoughts that came to me today...

(so you might want to settle in with a cup of tea for the next 12 minutes [or bookmark this to come back later]. if you know me, you will nod when i say that this video really is a bit like having tea with me in this little house of mine.)

and my hope is that we can continue to have this conversation here. i plan to post on this topic every now and then as a reminder to me...to you...that we can work on our own corner so that we can be even more present to share our work (our stories) with the world.


if you feel like sharing your response to my challenge in the video, i would love to hear from you. feel free to email me or share a comment here or maybe you will even share some thoughts on your own blog and let me know. i am really drawn to the idea of how the simplest of prompts can push us to think about who we are and where we stand on our paths. simple is good sometimes. especially when life is full full full and the time for one's self feels a bit non-existent. and taking the time to see yourself (even in small ways like i mention in the video) is a way to remember you in the midst of it all. 


PS and anyone who lives in the seattle/tacoma area who wants to come over and help this "living inside what is real" new mama continue to regroup the world that is the little room so she can actually work in her studio? well, oh my goodness you are so invited over. tea + cookies will be provided.

PPS oh and more soon on the goodness that arrived by post.


my hope {december 31}

what is real (december 30)

on this day, as the restless past dances with all that awaits,
my hope is that you surrender your heart to possibility, joy, and love.


my hope {december 23}

on this day, as the candles are lit to remind us that the light returns even as darkness surrounds,
my hope is that you let love in, that you choose it, that you live inside it.


my hope {december 22}


on this day, as the sun dips into swirls of purple and pink and blue and the air hints of a wish for snow,
my hope is that you sink into the truth that rests inside you.


your corner...

December 1 from liz lamoreux on Vimeo.

today, i felt moved to make another video sharing something i just really want you to think about...something i really want me to think about. this idea of focusing on my own corner has really been pushing me lately. i have some projects/ideas/stuff to share in 2011 and i want to let go of all the what ifs and envy and fear and just show up as me and tell my story. sharing these little video snippets feels like one way to do this. thanks for watching. and if you feel moved to dialogue about this idea of focusing on our own corners, i welcome your thoughts...


three other little things:

1) thank you (like big) for all the orders in the shop today. your response to my last post has deeply moved me. i am busy making more "seek peace" necklaces. there is such beauty in the experience of pounding those letters into metal. i have put my hope out into the universe that perhaps we will be able to donate enough to fund one family's stay at the Tree House (parent/family apartments) for one week. this is where jon and i stayed while ellie was in the PICU.

2) i have been receiving lots of inquiries for custom lockets/necklaces. at this time, i will take them through december 8. after that, i will be taking custom orders again in january. if you are interested in a custom order, please just send me an email or etsy convo.

3) i do plan to participate in december views again this year. i love this project. i especially love that there are no rules. this means i might just post another post today...or two photos tomorrow...or maybe just post on flickr. no rules. yes. love this. (let me know if you are playing along.)