hello over there

Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
upcoming ecourse

Come along to Tell It: 15 days of prompts and inspiration to feed your creative soul. Register right here.

in the shop

Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

stay connected

Entries in notes to myself (34)





a late evening truth


from the archives, february 2009 . puget sound

trust this truth:

you can walk tall on the path that feels most like home.



the path.

soul mantra lockets in progress . loving my new iphone


pay attention.
this is the path.
(and you know it, so let go of that doubt and just keep going.)
one step, one breath, repeat.

what would happen

where i stand . early july 2010

as afternoon began to fade toward evening, the thoughts tumbled a bit after two conversations with friends. because ellie was still napping, i came to my laptop and clicked to my email and read the nicest words about me and my work from someone who doesn't even really know me and then i felt tears tap the back of my eyeballs. 

because this is what i know: even when life is full of the "oh my goodness things are crazy around here" kind of stuff, it is full of so much beauty. 

but the only way i can see the beauty is if i give myself the space to see myself.

and then some words began to rush together in my mind, so i turned on the microphone to catch them (for you...for me).

(just click "what would happen" below to hear this audio post)

what would happen


there are things i want you to remember {6}

i am enough . stories from the little room

as i settle into the little room with paul simon singing softly, an "i release" candle burning, and tea by my side, i hammer this phrase into vintage lockets. with each letter pounded, i push myself to believe this truth (for you...for me...).

(if you want to read more about this topic of "i am enough," head over to tracey clark's "i am enough: a self-kindness collaborative" website)

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