hello over there

Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
upcoming ecourse

Come along to Tell It: 15 days of prompts and inspiration to feed your creative soul. Register right here.

in the shop

Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

stay connected

Entries in . i series . (11)


in this moment {an invitation}


a backyard deep breath

in this moment, i am leaning toward all that is to come while letting go with each breath.


an invitation: go outside with your camera and take a photo of this moment (perhaps a self-portrait even). and then, finish this sentence: in this moment, i am...

then, share on your blog or flickr and then come back here and tell me all about it (share your link or your experience).

dare you.

brave. know. love.

alki wind

breathing in . alki beach self-portrait

i am the tumbled dusty pink scallop shell
i am the whispering knee-high indiana fields


know, a new soul mantra in the shop

i am the tucked inside your pocket talisman
i am the moment she said yes
i am the sunset-streaked wave

this is me

this is me . alki beach . photo by jon

i am resting inside truth
i am walking through laughter
i am twirling inside what my heart knows

i am . brave

i am . brave, a new soul mantra in the shop

i am brave
i am hope
i am love


love, a new soul mantra in the shop


these phrases are whispering, no, singing inside my heart on this day.
i am hope. i am brave. i am twirling inside what i know. i am love. i am...

in this moment...who are you?
i'd love to know...


twirling inside

poetry plate

the plate of the car in front of diane, susan, and me at barnes and noble sunday evening.

i spent the weekend twirling inside friendship, community, and words, lucky enough to spend an afternoon with a friend then an evening with two goddesses and a day writing and listening to poetry and another evening of laughter, words, and truths...

i. love. poetry.

i took another workshop with susan wooldridge. when asked why i was there that day, i said that taking her workshop last year helped me to find another layer of my authentic voice.

yes. yes. yes.

some words i wrote on sunday:

i am a baby blue fifth chakra'd studebaker convertible
i am the fourth from the landing brown-carpeted step on garland circle
i am ignored red lips stroking your hair
i am tangerine fringe tickling the top of her silver damasked living room
i am the comma following the disappearing, webspinning secrets
i am the coocooing echo
i am clutter
i am mending

diane begins the workshops she hosts in a small one-room"house" on her property. we sat in a circle and the air seemed to crackle with all that was about to happen in a little workshop filled with words as people shared why they were here and a bit of their hopes. the sacredness of a circle of women. in this case, women i had never met until that day. i am ready to go back to diane's for a workshop as soon as i can. (you should join me.)

susan invites such a sense of safety and openness in her workshops. listening to the words of others is partly what makes the experience feel like such a sacred one. all day monday, their phrases kept running through my mind. such beauty and truth in their words. you can get to know a person you have just met by listening to their response to prompts like: "i am" "my soul says" "i know" "my mother says" "write one line about the prom"


i. love. poetry.

in just a bit, after i finish packing and somehow complete one more load of laundry, i will leave again. this time i am headed to artfest.

another opportunity to twirl inside friendship, joy, beauty, words, color, community.

i am blessed.
so very blessed.

today, i am sending you, yes you reading this, love, peace, and poetry.
and i invite you to go read a poem. go on. then come back here and tell me about it.
i dare you.


PS if you have sent me an email recently, sorry i have not replied. i will when i return. thanks for understanding.


postcard from indiana (two)

The reaching, soaring Lake Michigan-grey wing of a great blue heron.

I am pirouetting in midair
I am stillness within the light
I am the harbor of spirit
I am folded into darkness
I am beyond what is known
I am strength
I am wind
I am fragile
I am unburdened


i come to the water

cannon beach

more poem notes (or maybe an early, early draft of a poem) on this thursday...

I come to the water
to breathe in
I come to the water
to remember
her laughter
I come to the water
because I fear
I come to the water
to open
a space
inside me
I come to the water
to find
pieces of the past
I come to the water
to grieve
I come to the water
to let go
I come to the water
to seize life

head on over to jillypoet's for another thursday of the traveling poetry show...