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twirling inside

poetry plate

the plate of the car in front of diane, susan, and me at barnes and noble sunday evening.

i spent the weekend twirling inside friendship, community, and words, lucky enough to spend an afternoon with a friend then an evening with two goddesses and a day writing and listening to poetry and another evening of laughter, words, and truths...

i. love. poetry.

i took another workshop with susan wooldridge. when asked why i was there that day, i said that taking her workshop last year helped me to find another layer of my authentic voice.

yes. yes. yes.

some words i wrote on sunday:

i am a baby blue fifth chakra'd studebaker convertible
i am the fourth from the landing brown-carpeted step on garland circle
i am ignored red lips stroking your hair
i am tangerine fringe tickling the top of her silver damasked living room
i am the comma following the disappearing, webspinning secrets
i am the coocooing echo
i am clutter
i am mending

diane begins the workshops she hosts in a small one-room"house" on her property. we sat in a circle and the air seemed to crackle with all that was about to happen in a little workshop filled with words as people shared why they were here and a bit of their hopes. the sacredness of a circle of women. in this case, women i had never met until that day. i am ready to go back to diane's for a workshop as soon as i can. (you should join me.)

susan invites such a sense of safety and openness in her workshops. listening to the words of others is partly what makes the experience feel like such a sacred one. all day monday, their phrases kept running through my mind. such beauty and truth in their words. you can get to know a person you have just met by listening to their response to prompts like: "i am" "my soul says" "i know" "my mother says" "write one line about the prom"


i. love. poetry.

in just a bit, after i finish packing and somehow complete one more load of laundry, i will leave again. this time i am headed to artfest.

another opportunity to twirl inside friendship, joy, beauty, words, color, community.

i am blessed.
so very blessed.

today, i am sending you, yes you reading this, love, peace, and poetry.
and i invite you to go read a poem. go on. then come back here and tell me about it.
i dare you.


PS if you have sent me an email recently, sorry i have not replied. i will when i return. thanks for understanding.

Reader Comments (13)

Oh, it sounds like it was magical; I am so so glad you decided to go. Have a wonderful time at Artfest; I can't wait to hear all about it when you return. Safe travels..both literally and figuratively. love to you.xoxo

April 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterceanandjen

I have never been a fan of poetry...until late last year. It was like a light went on inside my head. I wrote my first poem on acceptance on my blog, along with some confessions of a first time mom. At first I was nervous of what others would think. Then I realized, it isn't for them, it is for me.

April 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

have a wonderful time at artfest, beautiful girl.
thank you for all the goodness you've sprinkled into my today.
i am off in search of a poem..
i'll be back ;-)

April 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKirsten Michelle

Just spent the evening hearing and reading poems from my wonderful Writers' group. Oh... can't pick one out to speak of. There were glories there, though.

Have a wonderful time at Artfest!

April 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreenishLady

I'm twirling with you - and you got to spend time with Jen - yay!


someday I will meet this beauty and revel in her company...

Loving poetry myself, thank you for sharing yours.


April 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPixieDust

wow Liz, that course sounds so amazing and the words that come from you are magical. me and poetry hadn't really met until about two years ago. now, we are still getting to know each other on a deeper level. i even come out with one or two myself sometimes!

there's one i wrote a few days ago that was inspired by all the beautiful women i know (both on and offline)

thanks for sharing about your trip - wow. i just bought one of your beautiful aprons, but i can wait until you get settled back home.


this came at a perfect
time for me...
i am committed to doing
the april napoblomo...
a poem a day for april...
and it is funny
that i should come here
and hear you speak of poetry,
you being the bearer of poetry thursday and the reason that i posted my first poem of my
very own on my blog...

i'm excited for you...
and can't wait to hear all about it!

April 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergkgirl

What an amazing, magical, poetic weekend, dear Liz. I hope you are off diving into the very depths of your insatiably beautiful spirit at Artfest. I cannot WAIT to hear all about it! xoxo

April 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrankie

oops - that's 'gait'.

April 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercaroline : my pocket

I stepped from plank to plank
So slow and cautiously;
The stars about my head I felt,
About my feet the sea.

I knew not but the next
Would be my final inch,-
This gave me that precarious gat
Some call experience.

Emily Dickinson

(randomly opened page of the nearest book)

This post is so inspiring! I want to do that kind of workshop too. Hope Artfest is absolutely wonderful as it ought to be. xoxo

April 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercaroline : my pocket

What a great experience. i.love.poetry too! Enjoy Artfest my dear .... looking forward to your return. xx, JP/deb

April 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJane Poe (aka Deborah)

oh such yumminess......you radiate love


April 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterColorsonmymind

this is sooooo utterly weird as
i have been thinking of getting
a license plate that says

:) poetry keeps my heart


April 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermadelyn

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