Entries in december views (38)
happy christmas
a happy christmas to you and yours and merry day to all!
(these are a few of the stockings we made this year for family and a few friends. once thrifted sweaters, now felted stockings.)
we rarely have snow in the pacific northwest...in the four winters we have been here, we have had snow less than maybe ten times. but...today of all days...when i have missed that chance of an indiana white christmas and jonny missed his colorado days...
it snowed.
hope a few of your dreams came true today too.
much love,
tagged december views, home
five (really) good things on december 19
can you spot five (really) good things?
(click here to see the details)
can you name your own five (really) good things?
i bet so.
bet you can.
dare you.