the space around your heart {a guided meditation}
a capture on a walk with jonny . december 29, 2009
As 2010 begins, the plans and hopes I have for the new year twirl inside my head. Some of these swirling thoughts involve this space of mine and how I want to nurture and tend to it. A few years ago, I shared some audio posts in the form of meditations and my poetry, but the site that was hosting these audio files shut down not long after I started. I am going to revisit audio posts now that I have figured out how to add them to my website (how I heart squarespace).
As we look to all that a new year can bring, I invite you to listen and participate in the following guided meditation. As you click on the words "space around your heart" below, find a comfortable way to sit, close your eyes, and listen.
Blessings and light to you and your loved ones,
(originally posted on Be Present, Be Here on January 1, 2010)