(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
stay connected


holding compassion and love {a guided audio meditation}


The following meditation is one that I turn to when I learn someone is experiencing difficult times or grief and I cannot be right there to offer support in person. I light a candle and imagine them and close my eyes and begin to find my breath. This meditation can also be used when you want to send compassion and love to someone on any day. The truth is, we all need compassion and love and sharing it is a beautiful gift we can give one another. 

When you are ready to begin, find a comfortable place to sit where you will not be distracted or interupted. Then click on "Holding Compassion" below. The meditation takes less than ten minutes. If you have questions, please feel free to email me.

Blessings and light,


holding compassion


the space around your heart {a guided meditation}



a capture on a walk with jonny . december 29, 2009

As 2010 begins, the plans and hopes I have for the new year twirl inside my head. Some of these swirling thoughts involve this space of mine and how I want to nurture and tend to it. A few years ago, I shared some audio posts in the form of meditations and my poetry, but the site that was hosting these audio files shut down not long after I started. I am going to revisit audio posts now that I have figured out how to add them to my website (how I heart squarespace).


As we look to all that a new year can bring, I invite you to listen and participate in the following guided meditation. As you click on the words "space around your heart" below, find a comfortable way to sit, close your eyes, and listen.


Blessings and light to you and your loved ones,



(originally posted on Be Present, Be Here on January 1, 2010)

Space Around Your Heart


a senses journey {a meditation}

Before beginning this meditation of the senses, I invite you to find a comfortable, quiet place to sit where you will be removed from distractions and others. This is a short, guided meditation (just a few minutes) that invites you to find your breath and notice the senses around you. To hear the meditation, click on "senses journey" below.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions (just click the email button in the sidebar).



senses journey