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this is what i'm holding close

june 29 EJ mama carry

walking in the woods . photo by jonny

The cuddles and the carrying and the giggles.

Friendships and how they are born and then ebb and flow and how this truly can be beautiful if we choose to see it.

Making more space for clarity and love.

Gentle self-talk about letting go of the comparisons and choosing not to click sometimes.

Piles of blankets on the floor with books and stuffed animals as our companions.

Remembering I am not alone as I continue to create space in my home and let go of what I no longer need...others (perhaps you) are doing this too. Every single day. 

Putting the laptop away and sharing a bowl of popcorn while watching some smart tv.

Several hours alone in my home to work and dance and just be.

Growing our collaboration at Chickadee Road.

The simple act of dropping my shoulders and finding my breath and then letting myself feel rooted to the earth, to home, to what I know. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Reader Comments (3)

No, not alone, not ever. I love what you said about sometimes, not clicking. I am very much in a time of trying to find space, in my flat and in my day. Using your words about self-care as a guide.

July 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKel

This post was just what I needed today! As I read your lovely words, I felt my own shoulders relax (and didn't realize until the second they relaxed that I'd been tense!). Thank you!

July 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChristine

Yes yes YES! We must enjoy these moments! Great reminder... thank you.

July 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNaomi

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