the beana and the book.
last night, the beana and i took a trip to barnes and noble.
and the book, the book that i wrote, was on a shelf. in barnes and noble. (right there behind the book by emily martin. the black apple. wow!)
i held up inner excavation and explained how this book is about looking at where we have been, where we stand on our paths, and where we want our next steps to take us.
i explained that it is about healing and remembering our younger selves and joy.
i explained that it invites people to find the poet waiting inside them and to dance inside photographs and to get messy with paint and paper and colors.
i explained that some amazing women share themselves in this book.
i explained that mama wrote it.
and, she basically rolled her eyes.
it was awesome.
Reader Comments (19)
Liz, it is a good feeling seeing your book on the shelf isn't it?
I wanted to let you know that I am giving away a copy of your book on my blog this week. I pre-ordered your book twice so I am keeping a copy and letting the other go to another home....
I am very much enjoying reading and being inspired by your book.
I'm currently reading your book, and I'm loving it. I'm loving the five senses journey prompt and am exploring that with my photography this weekend.
I blogged on one of your prompts in the book and I just wanted to share:
I love this and I'm loving your book! It's beautiful!!
takes a lot to impress your little darling then?
i can't wait to lay my hands on your book.
how great it must be to see it on the shelf in a bookstore.
Her little face is so sweet and touching. She will love mama's book some day. It is a wonderful gift to all of us.
One of your books is on its way to Cape Town, South Africa. Can't wait!
how exciting is that! congratulations on your book. one day she will look at mamas words and she will understand. without any eye rolling at all.
love to you
Just gotta say: ATTA GIRL!
Liz- I am so thrilled to see your book there on the shelves. It's a gem! I'm so happy to have my own copy. I hope you and E enjoyed your adventure to the store.
love you
I found your book and I bought and oh, do I aboslutely love it! Congrats!
This post cracked me up. I am so proud for you, your book is amazing. But for also being the mother of a daughter who rolls her eyes at you. You really have earned your mom stripes. Congratulations!
How could you even NOTICE anything on the book shelves with THAT face to look at?!?!?! :) So precious and curious and wise.
The book is so beautiful (that's how you noticed it...the energy and beauty that you knew was called to you from the shelves!) :) Thank you for allowing me to contribute. I feel so blessed to be a part of something this real and beautiful.
what a moment:)) -- EJ is such a beauty! Congratulations on your book LIz!!
I am thinking Ellie looks like Jon in this picture. Who do people say she looks like in person?
that IS awesome! congrats to you my friend...i am so pleased for you... now, to get msyelf a copy...
i'm so proud of you! you rock, rock, rock!
deep love from your faraway friend, Vx
This blows me away - makes me giddy with excitement and happiness for you. This experience really is mindblowing - a dream come true. Congratulations!
my friend,
i cannot wait to hold it in my hands.
so proud of you!