hello over there

Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
upcoming ecourse

Come along to Tell It: 15 days of prompts and inspiration to feed your creative soul. Register right here.

in the shop

Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

stay connected

Entries in the file drawer (8)


the file drawer {8}


I keep coming across words from Rumi lately. And I keep nodding my head and feeling less alone. Because here's the thing, there are simply little and not-so-little wounds that we all have. Sometimes they fade. Sometimes they reappear. But somehow even in the grief, there can be light. So much light. I trust this again and again. I hope you can too.

Here are a few things from around the web that have been hanging out in all those tabs I keep open:

This post from Ali brought tears to my eyes. In a good way. In a yes, this kind of way.

Checking out this list of memoirs from Jen Louden. Awesome!

I'm going on a weekend trip in a couple of weeks and am trying to find the right carryon tote to fit over the handle of my Baggalini roller bag. So far I like this and this and this and this. I dream of getting the OG but wish it fit my 15" laptop. Do you have any recommendations?

I'm pretty much in love with this apartment.

I  have homemade poptarts and frittatas on the brain. Thinking I might actually try to make both this weekend. Hmmm...

Let yourself rest. Yes yes yes. Awesome free wallpaper from DesignLoveFest. Serious love for these quotes.

When I'm in my studio by myself, I'm usually listening to the Dolly Parton Pandora station. And you guys, when Luckenbach, Texas by Waylon Jennings comes on, it's like I'm home. I'm not kidding. Something about his rich voice plus the way I can sway to the beat...Home. It is becoming my favorite song ever. For real. It might be next on the "learn for kareoke" list. (Don't you have one? You're gonna need one if you come to the Fall Retreat.)

When I saw Leonie's notes from Growth Summit 2015 on Instagram, I was totally intrigued. And then she put them all in a free download that is totally awesomesauce and I'm curling up with it this weekend.

From me:

There's a new sale section in the shop! You'll find several Where the Forest Meets the Sea necklaces + the intention necklaces on sale over there.

I'm sharing six ways to infuse your selfies with joy over here. I had so much fun writing about self-portraits + am loving sharing photography prompts in Water Your Mama Soul that I'm planning several more posts about this self-care practice that has changed my life over the last ten years. 

Hope your weekend is full of ease and joy. Yes.



the file drawer {7}


Sometimes I can see these moments Thich Naht Hahn is talking about with clarity and there is so much light and I know I'm right where I'm supposed to be. Other times, the chatter inside pushes me away from what I know. This is why I practice...why I take self-portraits, why I read poetry, why I pause and take five deep breaths. This is why I know I have to fill up my own well first - so I can recognize which choice I want to make.

Here are a few things that caught my eye this week + things I've been thinking about:

This interview with Oprah has been online for months, but I just watched it for the first time last week and I wanted to cheer several times during it. She talked about how your real work is to figure out where your power base is and to work on the alignment of your personality and your gifts with the real reason you are here. Yes.

This Carl Sandburg poem kind of says it all.

A question: Can you relate to staying up late into the night scrolling through fonts to see which one might be the perfect fit for your new website? Me too. We should start a club. (My eyes are blurred by looking at Liz Lamoreux in script, in all caps, in all lowercase...)

I keep meaning to try Alicia's lasagna rozale recipe.

Everything about this pin (and Elise's awesome article it links to) is pretty much perfection to me.

I'm a wee bit obsessed with this Wonders of Washington patch set, and I'm tempted to get them and have our family "earn" them this summer and maybe sewing them to a fun bag we fill with tools for our adventures.

I'm dipping my toes into the world of Zentangle and taking some classes from Ellie's art teacher. I'm getting out of the house during the week! During an evening! It feels huge. Just two classes so far, but hoping to take more soon. (Oh and if you're local and want to join me, let me know!) I'm going to get this book and start playing with a few new tangles. Watch for them to appear over on Instagram. It feels like a new kind of mindfulness practice that this mama of a four year old really needs.

Do you use a feed reader? I use Feedly. But lately, I've been receiving several emails from people wanting to subscribe to my blog so posts come in their inbox, and I'm wondering if people just aren't using feed readers anymore. (Google Reader, we are still fighting. Although it's a silly kind of fight since you aren't even around anymore to know how annoyed I am.) Anyway, if you would like to receive my blog posts in your inbox, I've started a new MailChimp list just for posts (not my newsletter). If you prefer, you can subscribe through Feedburner as well here. I'm also on BlogLovin' over here where I dip my toes in sometimes to see if I like it better than Feedly. Jury is still out.

And this is the part where I'm saying I feel moved to share that doing these link posts on a Friday is nothing new. I've done them on and off for the (almost) 10 years I've been blogging, but have never really chosen one day to always do them. I love (love!) reading these kinds of link posts from other bloggers (like elise, susannah, and a cup of jo). And because I curate so many things over on Pinterst these days, it makes me super happy to have one series of blog posts to "file" some of my favorite favorites. I hope you're enjoying them.

Happy weekend beautiful souls!


PS A couple of the links above are affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission when you buy from their site.


the file drawer {6}


These words have burrowed into my cells. This is how I want to live...deeply embodying the width and the depth. Always. Even when it feels very very hard and I just want to watch bad tv instead.

I'm about half of the way through Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed. I read it on the plane while Ellie slept on my lap. And I ugly cried. A lot. It was very cathartic in that way where you feel like you're not alone in seeing the beauty and the grit of life. Yes. And if I'm really honest, it makes me want to start an advice column of sorts one day a week on the blog. Where you ask questions and I answer them. For reals. (If you have a question, send it over and we'll see where, if anywhere, this sentence takes us.)

Vivienne's Be Your Own Beloved ecourse starts tomorrow. It is one of the best courses out there. And I've taken quite a few my friends. If you haven't taken it yet, I really encourage you to. And her post "Your Selfie is Enough" is one of my favorites I've read this month.

The article "Lottery Tickets: Grieving for a Husband" by Elizabeth Alexander is one of the most moving, beautiful pieces of writing I've ever read.

I went into the rabbit hole of youtube this week and came across episodes of Dinner for Five, which was a great show on IFC. I watched this one and found out that JJ Abrahms wrote Regarding Henry, which is one of my favorite movies of all time. If you haven't seen it, it's your homework. I mean, I love it so much, I want to make a movie club and make that our first one. 

I want to figure out how to make this with white lights in my living room. I love it!

This week I wrote about five mindfulness practices you can start doing today and I think you might find something on the list to try this weekend.

So this print makes the Star Wars geek in me giddy.

I want to make this glitter paint with EJ soon.

And the Trust Love chocolate over at Storypeople makes me very very happy.

I hope you have a beautiful weekend dear one. Remember to get outside and breathe in the beauty around you. 


the file drawer {5}


As I continue to brainstorm and dream about future retreats and online offerings, I'm holding this quote close. Yes. I love Madeleine L'Engle.

When I was doing a little research about this self-care article, I found this Mayo Clinic piece about how laughing is good for your health. So bring on some more lip synch offs and clips from Graham Norton.

Hindsight. Are you watching it? Just watched the two episodes this week and I can't wait to see the others. I kept saying to Jon that this was such a well-played nostalgia move by VH1. (And that moment when she says, "oh my green razor!"....so I still have mine. Since high school. I love that thing.) 

So this is the part where I admit I finally watched Gone Girl. I've been meaning to read the book forever. But didn't. And then I somehow missed every possible spoiler that crossed my path. Thank goodness because OMG I really did not see that coming. I mean I saw somethin' but not like that. Oh and this is where I also tell you that one way to know the age difference between Bonnie and me is that when we were working in the studio and I told her I finally saw it, she said something about almost not watching it because Ben Affleck was in it. Sigh. She doesn't know Ben like we do. Next up on the studio must-watch list: Good Will Hunting.

This recipe was repinned more than 2000 times on my YES board in just a few hours, so I'm thinking you might want to pin it too. (Crazy. I mean it looks good, but I did not expect that response. So fun! Totally want to make it, which is why I pinned it of course, but now I know chocolate covered bananas + peanut butter are loved by all!)

This article completely captures why I'm a Swiftie too. Big. Time. (And I might have started following TS on Instagram. Yes, I am that mom.)

I read Ellie the The Velveteen Rabbit for the first time recently. Oh my gosh I love that story. And I love that we're able to read it from my copy from when I was a kid.

We also watched Swiss Family Robinson while Ellie was home sick this week and I remembered as a kid realizing, "Oh I'm supposed to have a crush on the older brother even though the younger one is cuter." Like a Disney version of the "ahhh Han Solo is the hot one...I get it now" moment. But now that I'm almost 40, I'll take the dad please. He adores the mom in the cutest most earnest yet wee bit sexy way.

And now for something really good: Ellie and I head to Disney World tomorrow. We're meeting up with my dad and stepmom. We're staying at the Wilderness Lodge. And Ellie is about to overflow with excitement. She's been wanting to go for so long and now that day is almost here. (And if you've been reading for a while, you might know that I'm kind of a really big fan too [yes i did just link to that incredibly cheesy early blog post]. I haven't been in seven years and I'm really excited too!)

I've scheduled some blog posts for next week while we're gone. For months, I've felt like I want to get more posts up on the site and it feels good to just get the ideas out of my "blog post idea" notebook and onto the blank white space here. Hope you enjoy them! And when I get back, I think there will be several posts about Disney World and traveling that far on a plane with a little one and so many other good things. Including how the heck my feet make it with my plantar fasciitis. And be sure to follow along on Instagram for some peeks of our trip!


the file drawer {4}

oh how my word of the year is teaching me | shown here on the whole heart talisman

I recently decided I wanted more pineapple in my life. Seriously. Added it to a smoothie last week, and it was so good! And then I ran across a pin that led me here. Bring on the pineapple people!

Ellie and I are meeting my dad and step-mom in Disney World in TWO WEEKS! And I'm so happy I found these Dansko sneakers. Even though I am not a sneakers person, so figuring out what in my closet goes with sneakers is all kinds of something over here...more on that soon. If you're someone who wants free shipping and free returns, Nordstom carries a few other colors here but not the blue/orange that I have and linked to above.

Sweep your street well from Alexandra Franzen reminds us (me and you) to focus on our work and how we want to make a difference instead of fretting about how many people are reading our work. Love this post.

This storypeople story from Brian Andreas had me nodding and feeling that deep yes inside. Getting the daily stories in my inbox is awesome.

I'm so excited about Elise's Get to Work Book I can hardly stand it. She shares awesome sneak peeks and behind the scenes info here. It feels like it might be the system this crazy idea brainstorming but wait work has to get done too mind needs.

Speaking of behind the scenes, love this series of posts from Emily McDowell about the growing pains and awesome moments she and her business experienced last year. And this post from Katie Daisy that has an undercurrent of "Will you still support me when I'm no longer a struggling artist?" had me literally wanting to cheer.

And I'm going to dive into the world of homemade bone broth this week using this recipe. Do you make your own? I keep reading about it and am totally intrigued.

Me elsewhere: I'm over on ebay sharing a few ways to Beat the Winter Blues

New in the shop: The "I love you" postcard with the sweet little brass envelope is back in the shop in time for Valentine's Day! One of my favorite things about this set is that it is made here in the US. Most of the charms and brass pendants in my shop are.