hello over there

Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
upcoming ecourse

Come along to Tell It: 15 days of prompts and inspiration to feed your creative soul. Register right here.

in the shop

Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

stay connected

Entries in a question (for you) (9)


just wondering...

manzanita beachfront . iphone with hipstamatic app

this evening, i am over here thinking about you and wondering:

how are things in your world? (really. how are you?)


thoughts on a rainy monday night.

new all dressed up necklaces in the shop

i am so thankful that yesterday included sunshine so i could take photos of my new creations...before the (supposed) ten days of rain began today. ten days of rain. i am hoping the sun will decide to show up in the midst of it all as spring just doesn't quite seem like spring without some sun peppered in here and there.

lately, i have been realizing (or maybe a better word is acknowledging) that this crazy, wonderful life i lead needs some more organization. more than just the house stuff i am always in the midst of (or...ahem...ignoring). organization in the "to do" today/this week/this month sort of way. i need to be able to check things off.

i am wondering, do any of you use an online organizer? or do you find the binder organizers are a better way to go? i use the computer so much with all the job hats i wear, that an online organizer seems to make sense (and [she writes as she rolls her eyes at herself] i fear i might misplace a binder in the chaos that is the messy.ness of this home).

and since i am asking questions, i would also love to know what you are listening to these days. i am heading across the country in a week and would love some new tunes (or books or podcasts) to download to my iPod.

hope things are beautiful in your corner of the world...


a peek.

seattle autumn

shedding maple, seattle, 11.8.08

i am so very sleepy after so much goodness in my world during the last four days.
and even though i (keep trying to insist that i ) am not officially doing this (except for the part where i just went and said i will), i just can't seem to go to bed without stopping by this little corner of my world and saying hello.

but today, i would really love it if you would do the talking...

so, what's going on in your world?

tell me something...anything...maybe a new favorite book or something you want to let go or something that has made you laugh out loud or what you had for dinner...

give me a peek inside your world...


want to join me?

washington apples

washington apples, seattle, 9.27.08

saturday evening, jon and i were up in seattle having dinner with friends and afterward we did our usual "we are in fremont so we might as well go to PCC before we head home" ritual...

while there, i suddenly had an urge to take photos of snippets of the produce section.

when i stood up after bending over to capture as many colors of apples as possible, i caught the eye of a man who had been watching me with quite the bemused look on his face.

if someone created a comic strip of that moment, this man and me looking at one another, the caption above my head might have said, "you mean you don't take photos in the produce section?"

i found it so amusing to think about what he must be thinking. as i walked across the store to join jon and our friend christine, i imagined explaining the life of a blogger to this man...explaining how blogging has caused me to notice my life, my life experiences, in a richer way. how blogging for three years has invited me to document my life now...how i pay more attention.

and this made me think about you...
you out there reading these words...
you trying to do this same thing: pay more attention in your life.

and as i walked up to jon in the cheese section (because where else would he be?), i explained that my mind had connected all these dots from bending over apples to thinking about you out there who visit my corner of the world...how my mind had connected these dots to an idea of a series of posts...a series of "i dare you" kind of posts that i might toss out into the world every now and then...a series of posts where i see if you, you out there reading this, might want to join me in a few things...like taking photos in the produce section...

still rolling the idea around in my brain...

but today,
today i wonder if you just might want to grab your camera the next time you go to your favorite grocery store.
i wonder if you might want to capture something bright and cheery in the produce section.

just for fun.

just because you want to look at your world in a different way...because you want to pay attention in even the simplest moments.

just because you can.


i dare you.
you reading these words.
i dare you to take a photo in the produce section.

(then come back here and tell me all about it please)


whispers of fall (and a sale)

natasha bags

even though i expect we will have a few more summer days, the whisperings of fall have appeared this week. the windows are slightly cracked to let in the fresh air. the water is on for tea. i am snug in one of jonny's sweatshirts.

in progress scarves

and i am diving into fabric that reminds me of fall. browns, deep greens, sky and ocean blue, and a little pink (because...well...why not?) i'm working on a few things for my vendor table at squam and a few things to put in the shop.

so i thought i would have a "heading toward the end of summer" sale in my little shop. all totes are 35% off, maude bags are 20% off, and pillows with a dash (or more) of pink are 15% off (the pillow form is still included at the sale price). i hope you will check out the sale here.

a few people have been asking about my prayer flag sets. i do have plans to make a few sets this fall. hopefully i will have a handful at squam and then will put some in my shop later in september. thank you so much for your interest in my creations.


on another note, i had a perfect moment today that i wanted to share. i was making myself a little fruit salad as part of my lunch, and the orange i wanted to add didn't want to pull apart. i was getting juice everywhere. so i simply decided to stand over the sink and suck the juice right from the orange (ala miss matty). it dribbled down my chin as i giggled with each slurp.

it was wondrous.

have you had any perfect moments lately?