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my family . february 28, 2011

i went to the coast and forgot to tell you.

i went to the coast and was encircled by truth and love and hope and friendship and the real.ness that comes when you open your heart to all that awaits.

and suddenly i am home again.

this morning, my head still on the pillow, it felt like i was sitting on the first step of the mountain littered with items labeled "to do" and "please respond" and "would you, could you" and "so much goodness" and "would it be possible to" and "all that must be done" and "deadlines" and "orders" and "i can't wait to get started on" and "there is so much i want to tell you" and how the list goes on.

and then a giggle from another room and the mountain shifts to a home and a little girl and day that awaits and whispers of "i sleep in my crib now" and "look at how i hold my bottle" and "are you really here?" and "i roll over and love it" and "i might crawl if i don't walk first" and "sitting at the table is the best" and "will you sing that one again?" and then another smile so wide and my heart tries to capture it...my open oh my goodness can it really be this open heart tries to tuck all of this inside the pocket labeled "be right here" and i nod knowing the mountain can wait until tomorrow.

Reader Comments (11)

how i love coming here and picking up the real.
happy you are home. love those little toes in the
pic. love you too

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkelly

so beautiful and i missed you and we love it when you come back and tell us all about your going ons and i so know how they bring you back to the reality of what is really important :)


March 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstefanie

It was great to meet you! Thank you for the book, I can't wait to read it. The pictures are very inspiring.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAina

yes there is always tomorrow for the lists upon lists but only today for those precious smiles. enjoy

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersuvarna

so well said

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterConnie

what a wonderful description of a perfect morning. thanks for reminding us to be. here. now.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlaurie

breathing deeply as I read. so much goodness here. so so much.

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdanette

Yes. It can wait. Ellie can't and you don't want to lose a moment.

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMeri of Meri's Musings

wow. the "stay right here" pocket ...
i can see those words on one of your beautiful necklaces Liz!

March 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterg.

love your words.
love the image.


March 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkolleen

It made me happy to think of all of you down the road. Welcome home!

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth

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