everyday beauty
This month in Hand to Heart we're exploring the beauty of the everyday moments and we're using our cameras to collect the evidence we find.
This focus is shifting the way I'm using my phone each day. I'm using my timer and remembering the spots where there is more natural light in my home. I'm seeking evidence of beauty even in the messiest moments (like a little one sick with hives for most of Spring Break). I'm pausing to take a few deep breaths and then snapping a photo. And I'm soaking up color even more than usual.
I love how simple prompts can re-energize us and give our creativity just the starting place it needs to blossom. And getting back into the photos (like the one above with Ellie and me chatting in bed) is so important. No it isn't the best photo of me, but it is a photo full of love as I listen to her tell me stories while she plays with her stickers.
The love is what I always want to remember.
Come over and connect with me on Instagram. It is my favorite favorite favorite place to be these days.
And if you want to join us in seeking beauty this month, you can join Hand to Heart at any time.
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