creating space for all of it
Earlier today, I experienced a moment that surprised me as it opened me up (how grief often arrives in the cloak of surprise). Even though I come to this space a bit dishevled and vulnerable, I felt really called to just show up as me and share about this moment in a video post.
Also, the "Nona" I mention in this video is Nona Jordan. A post about my experience working with her (including how she is inviting me to finally let go of some major shame around money) is coming soon.
If you would like to continue this conversation about creating space for grief and all of our experiences, consider joining me for Create Space, the ecourse that begins Monday. This is going to be a really intimate class that will give you the space to open your heart to joy, beauty, truth, love, and what is real in your life. As I gather up all that we will be exploring, I am so excited to share tools and stories that can be companions for you on your journey. Find out more about Create Space here.
Reader Comments (16)
Big hugs! Thanks for sharing.
you are so not alone! i love when you share. the conncetion that i feel it wonderful. thank you thank you.
hello beauty ~ thank you for sharing this, i am grateful to have had these moments with you today. xo
Hi Liz,
Thank you so much for this space, the honesty of your posts....
I just signed up for your class. I need it so.
I wish you mush joy and everday blessings,
ellie....where's kelly's nose. poke poke. love that part.
i love when i get to sit in my big comfy chair with a cup of
joe and i get to spend a little part of my morning with you.
i love that you to her to "home". and i love that i get to
go back there with you soon.
you have no idea how close to home this hit for me today. It's just what I needed to hear and so helpful for me. Thank you for your wisdom. thank you.
Much love to you and thank you (as always) for sharing what's real in your world.
Namaste, brave and beautiful Liz.
you are not alone.
thank you for sharing your heart ... wide open!
Beautiful Liz - your honesty touched tender portions of my heart . I see you digging - I am digging right next to you - thank you for holding a space for each of us to do our work. You have such courage - I am so gateful for you.
thank you liz for all you do. i loved hearing your soothing voice again. and i needed this now, in this moment. so thank you - deeply - from the bottom of my heart. namaste.
lovely, lovely. you are so well-spoken. thank you for that message. there are so many things I needed to hear.
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful piece of advice. I did need it, and I am so grateful for you showing up in this space, and being so authentic.
Thanks and hugs!
Thank you for sharing. I wish I could unpack my feelings as you do but I'm working on it....thank you for your openess. Made me think, cry, smile.
Beautiful, the words, the honesty, the woman! I love your Authenticity!
I have always felt that we human beings are in a constant state of letting go and grieving. Grief is one of "those" words that no one ever wants to say or experience but being open to working though the emotions brought up by grief can be life changing. Proactive change, from what you talked about, the experience of deleting photos that were backed up, and for me, cleaning out closets, purging the crap that accumulates can trigger grief just as easily as losing or misplacing something. The little losses, I think, are practice for those bigger ones. We can give ourselves space and acknowledge the smaller losses, we build up those coping muscles and get our support systems in place for those losses that can take our breath away and bring us to our knees.
Thank you for your heartfelt, honest and so authentic message today.