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beach heart
hug point, oregon . september 2009


goodness, i cannot believe it has been so long since i have been to this spot to share some things. life is full. and i think i am in the mood for a list:


1. unearth, a be present retreat, begins in just three days!
2. i currently cannot get enough hot water + fresh lemon juice.
3. i quilted twelve new selma patchwork scarves today.
4. this darling girl arrives tomorrow.
5. i have been sick since coming home from squam (see #2 above).
6. i am learning to let go instead of needing to explain when people make assumptions.
7. my parents really are quite wonderful.
8. this dear friend (and assistant extraordinaire) arrives tuesday.
9. can't forget to buy tea lights.
10. rooting myself in ritual and a sense of daily routine is the way to more nurturing right now.
11. when millie sleeps against me, i just sleep better.
12. i wish our house had an extra 300 square feet. even 100 would be a dream.
13. seeing contributor artwork, poetry, photography for the book...well, this is making me so happy.
14. i am blessed to have the most incredible circle of friends. (i do know this.)
15. being seen, well, that is what it is all about i think.
16. being heard is pretty good too. (thank you)
17. this song is filling up my heart.
18. it is 7:30ish and i am already in bed, on my way to sleep soon (see #5).
19. because of #4 and #8 above all the final touches for #1 will be ready.
20. i cannot wait to breathe in the ocean on tuesday (partly because it is there that i most feel her beside me).
21. love, even (especially) in the moments of stress, is a gift i am deeply understanding.
22. i am so behind on email and that is just how it has to be right now.
23. apollo 13 is one of my favorite movies. (watched it yesterday.)
24. a sneak peek of the march be present retreat is up here!
25. going to (re)read a little of this before drifting off to sleep.


what's going on in your world?
i would really love to know.

Reader Comments (12)

i am super anxious and excited about be present!
i am trying to figure out what to pack!
i am hopeful all will go well with my 4 kiddlies while i am away on this adventure!
i am very excited to meet you in person!
i am hopeful you feel better!!
i am snuggled in bed and ready to watch Brothers & Sisters.

October 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkolleen

oh i adore this. i send you love and light... enjoy this time.
hugs to you~

October 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterchristina

so excited and proud of you sister, truly. hurray for kirsten and kelly coming to you (and also being at your retreat!), give them big smooches for me and i will be sporting my own, scarf (procurred last year at squam) this week as it's chilly in my neck of the woods, hahaha, pun intended.

love you. xoxo

October 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkristen

Have an amazing and wonderful time Liz, I hope it is all that you want and so very much more! Kisses to you and the 2 Ks.

October 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

What a wonderful list! (except for #5). :) I can imagine that the energy of this gathering of amazing women will rejuvinate you body and spirit! Have a wonderful time with Andrea, Kelly Rae and all the others who will be there celebrating art, life, creativity, community, sacred space.....
Can't wait for my turn! :)

October 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie Lee

What a wonderful list...so much to accomplish, to look forward to, to savour!

October 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersherry

Oh, I'm so new to blogging and finding myself as an artist and your list really resonates with me. Especially the being seen part. I have only been doing this for four months now (blogging) and it has been such a journey into opening myself up (scary) and sharing things as I am searching for them. Being real and out there is so hard for me. Wish I could be at the retreat with you. I still have so much to learn about myself and what part art plays in my life...which seems to be all consuming at the moment!
Have a wonderful time and I hope it heals your cold!

October 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKelly Berkey

I love that Indigo Girls song too!! Hope you are feeling *much* better for the retreat. Have an amazing time :)


October 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJanePoet ~ JP/deb

i'm so excited to hop on a train tomorrow and watch washington and oregon pass by outside my window.
i'm am beyond pumped to see my very pregnant sister before heading out to the coast
i am aching to get my feet in the sand on the coast
i can't wait to give you the biggest of hugs and connect with all of the women there!


October 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentervivienne

getting so excited for you and the others who will experience your retreat - I'm sure it will be amazing and magical for all of you! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnna-Marie Still

i am sorry that you have been sick...
i am putting attending a be present retreat on my mondo beyondo grande list...
i am getting ready to set up at a bridal show and nervouuuusss...
i am feeling like i am totally in the zone in one moment and feeling totally
out of it and beside myself the next...
i am loving your list...
i am trying to catch up on life.


October 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergkgirl

so many blessings for this wonderful venture you are about to go on! yipeeeeeee! xoxo

October 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjen goff

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