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holding hands on the couch
holding hands on the couch, 9.22.07

Last night, around 2 AM, I became violently ill. (That worst kind of middle of the night "I am sitting on and cannot move from the very bathroom fixture toward which I need to be facing" kind of ill.) And, my husband took care of me in all my, well, let's be honest, in all my grossness. He never once invited me to feel worse than I already did. (Thank you my dear friend.)

So today has been a day filled with:

Glasses of Powerade and meals of oyster crackers.
An episode of the "History Detectives" (during which I announced, "I think I have actually found what it is I want to do with my life").
The "Nature" episode about hippos. (Two words. Holy crappoly. They are the wackiest, coolest creatures.)
A pick-me-up first quarter of the Notre Dame football game (the rest of the game, well, the rest of the game did not so much improve my spirits, me being a ND grad and all).
Holding hands on the couch.
Taking an "I don't think I moved from this position for two hours" nap.
Adding a few more rows to the scarf I am crocheting.
Eating a dinner of rotisserie chicken, corn, and tater tots (somehow this was the combination that sounded good…perhaps because it is a bit like a Thanksgiving meal in a way, which does seem to comfort).
Lots of very kind words uttered by my husband as he basically spent the entire day taking care of me.
Spending a wee bit of time on the sewing machine doing some quick rows of patchwork.
Being very thankful that I have not experienced additional rounds of whatever got me last night (we are thinking food poisoning from the fish I had at dinner perhaps…ugh).
More holding hands on the couch.
Watching an episode of "Dr. Who" followed by an episode of (what is becoming my new favorite sci-fi show) "Torchwood." Ladies, have you seen that Captain Jack Harkness?? My oh my.

I wanted today to be filled with:

A lot of sewing in preparation for ArtFiberFest vendor night (according to Teesha's site there are a few spots left...you should come out here for it...I'd love to see you).
Walking along Ruston Way.
Eating breakfast at The Spar (when you come, I will take you to eat breakfast there…the view of The Sound is incredible).
Another two hours toward completing "The Great Cleanup/Organization of 2007."
More sewing.
Prepping my shop for the "last day of summer sale that will last the first week of autumn" I planned to begin today (it is going to have to wait until Monday I think as I another nap is probably in order right now…but this is a little teaser to say: all the purses in my shop are going on sale Monday as I want to move on to some fall items/fabrics and all that good stuff…and I think it will just be fun to have a sale every now and then...)

Even though I didn't feel up to doing all that I wanted today, sitting on the couch and holding hands was just about the most perfect way to spend the day a girl could have I think...it's kind of an unexpected gift of slowing down and remembering...

Hope you were able to slow down a bit this weekend too...

Reader Comments (22)

Though it's never fun to be ill, it's good to remember how much our husbands love us. I'm glad he took such good care of you!

Feel better. :o)

September 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLori

Dear Liz, I cannot bear thinking of you being ill. Thank goodness John was there to take care of you - what a good man you have aligned your life to. (there are no mistakes) Thinking of you. And get well soon! Art and Soul is just around the corner. Hearts to you.

September 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJudy Wise

Oh baby I am sorry you were sick-and glad that it probably passed.

My little boy seems to have a bit of something-he pooped on my husband when he took him out of the bath-and was mortified with embarrassment-poor little guy.

Hope today is filled with somne of those lovely want to do's.

Love you

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterColorsonmymind

Oh no - that kind of sick is baaaaaad. Sorry! I'm very, very glad that you had a couch to sleep on and a good man to take care of you. Keep resting though - even after the action is over the body is recovering for quite a while.

So maybe just chose one or two things off that list.

Thanks for your lovely comment.

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterFrida

Oh, I hope you're feeling much better now. It sounds like you were well cared for and were able to do a few fun things anyway.

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeirdre

Oh Liz, I hope that you are feeling MUCH better now! That is so not nice, but how lovely that your sweet husband took such good care of you.

Sending you all things good! xoxo

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterceanandjen

SO sorry you were sick...
hope you are feeling better!

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered Commentera friend to knit with

Sorry the crummy bug had its way with you ...grrrrr. Here's to feelin' better real soon (and when you do, let's have b-fast at The Spar, I've never done that!)
xx, JP/deb

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJane Poe (aka Deborah)

I hope you're feeling better, Liz!

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDeb R

aw, so sorry to hear that your sick. i've been in that situation before and its no fun at all. hope you feel better!

p.s. that picture is so sweet

September 23, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterodessa

i'm so sorry to hear that
you were sick
but happy to hear that you
were in good hands
and that you are feeling better!

September 24, 2007 | Unregistered Commentergkgirl

By the time you read this, you should be feeling 100% like yourself again! Your husband was a sweetheart--such a good thing!

September 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLeft-handed Trees...

Yes I've seen Captain Jack, great TOrchwood fan here - hope your feeling better.

September 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterThe Fairy Godmother

Hope you are feeling better!!

September 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLina

I was recently introduced to your blog by my mom & really enjoy it.

I'm also very impressed with how productive you are even when you're sick. I was sick today as well and easily slept the day away on the sofa... with the few exceptions of getting up to make mochi and eat spoonfuls of peanut butter (this is my comfort food!).

Me, no food poisoning - just the sick of work kind of sick. Hope you feel better soon.

September 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRoo

oh honey ... i feel your pain!!

torchwood, oh yes and oh my oh my indeed on captain jack ;-)

sending you love ... xox

September 25, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdaisies

LIZ... I am alarmed that you have been so very sick...

I truly hope you are feeling MUCH better.

Your Jon is a GOOD MAN Charlie Brown... my sweetheart had the same experience with me this last spring RIGHT after Artfest.... Stomach Flu...


Looking SO FORWARD to seeing you soon!


September 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTracie Lyn Huskamp

sorry you were feeling so icky...is there anything worse???

well i have to admit i have never seen captain jack harkness...but i have seen captain jack SPARROW and you know how i feel about him...

i just had to throw that in there since it has been awhile since i've tossed mr. jd (who is sacred to me) into a comment...

i had a similar glimpse of a possible life calling yesterday as i watched oprah...i think i need to be a SEX THERAPIST...

you know my opinion about women and orgasims--women who have good orgasims can change the world...that's the god's honest truth...

god, i hope someone doesn't read this comment and think 'what the hell is wrong with her, she's crazy.'...or delete me from their blog roll...

of course i've been blogging so little lately being deleted from someone's blog roll probably wouldn't have much of an impact on me...i've probably already been deleted from quite a few...

god, does this comment ever end...i know that's what you were secretly thinking...

peace, love, and johnny depp...


you realize if i actually did know johnny depp he would have a restraining order placed on me...

...and honestly i probably wouldn't blame him...


i hope as you're reading this you are laughing and not deleting me from YOUR blog roll...


honey...did you see how much i single handedly increased your little comment number on this post...

go ahead, you can say it...i totally rock!

...or maybe you are now thinking you're the one who needs to get a restraining order and not jd...

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