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the last poetry thursday

I cried last night as I wrote my last post for Poetry Thursday. I surprised myself a bit by how deeply sad I felt as I saved and published it. This project has been more important to me than I think I even realized. Part of the reason is how connected it is to my own discovery of how much I love poetry and how I believe poetry can change a person…and the world. I know it is also connected to finding light in darkness as poets (the ones I discovered on bookstore shelves and the ones I connected with in blog world) were some of the first people to say to me, "You are not alone in the deep well of grief." So, this gift is also connected to Poetry Thursday.

I realize that I don't have to return these gifts because the project is ending. It isn't as though I will suddenly stop reading poetry or stop writing it. Of course not. I am not leaving blog world, and I will continue to connect with other bloggers who love poetry. I will continue to share my own poetry, links to other poets/poems/blogs, and thoughts about poetry here. And, I imagine I will probably find myself sharing them on Thursdays the way many of us still share Self-Portrait Challenge photos on Tuesdays. I suppose I must admit that I will have more time for my own love affair with poetry as cohosting a site does take up quite a bit of time. But, to me, it is sad all the same.

To all of you who have participated in Poetry Thursday: Thank you for all you have shared and taught and the community you created. Please keep changing the world one poem at a time.


A short poem note (or maybe it is indeed simply a short poem) on this last Poetry Thursday…

We stood until the drum of your heart, the water rolling down my back, and your hands cradling my head were all we were.

Reader Comments (11)

thanks for all you did with PT. i have enjoyed every minute of my participation and i'll still be checking in on your blog. hope to see you 'round!

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterpolka dot witch

this was a major piece of your journey. you did an amazing job.
i know it must not be easy to let it go...
sending thoughts.

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkelly rae

you opened my eyes to poetry liz, i was never interested before you and dana started poetry thursday. i found bloggers that i love to read now from here and i have my own favorite poets now, because of your project.
this door is closing, but the community you've inspired is just beginning. xo

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteracumamakiki

THANK YOU, Liz...I am continually impressed by the PT community and what kind lengths people will go to for one another based on creative endeavours. I am so glad I was a (small) part of it!

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLeft-handed Trees...

Thank you so much Liz ... i have been writing and reading poetry since i learned how to read and write and it was so lovely to connect with others who share that love. who knew there were so many of us : ) xox

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdaisies

Oh, Liz, what you and Dana did with Poetry Thursday was a truly grace-full thing. I love to think this will continue, but in other forms, with other names, in so many different ways. The seeds of Poetry Thursday are scattering far and wide, and who knows where, or in what form, they will sprout again? Thank you, and every blessing to you. Imelda

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGreenishLady

thank you thank you thank you for all the work you did on poetry thursday. I really felt that both you and dana created a fantastic supportive community that helped foster many people's writing...including mine!

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

thank you all for your kind words...

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterliz elayne

THANK YOU for Poetry Thursday. You opened many, many new doors for me and I'm grateful with all my heart.

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCarla

Thank you for all the time and effort you put into PT, Liz. It is a direct result of the PT project that I became interested in reading (and occasionally writing) poetry again after being absent from it for many years.

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDeb R

i echo everyone's comments. words cannot express how grateful i am. PT made me find poetry again and a piece of myself in the process. thank you liz.

August 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterodessa

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