rhythm of possibilty {self-portrait challenge}
Sewing in my little room. It is actually pretty clean right now, but from this angle, you cannot tell that at all.
I tend to find sewing meditative. The rhythm of the cutting, ironing, pinning, sewing, snipping, turning, ironing, pinning and on and on. I have time to think as I do these things. Lately, my brain has tended to wander to the idea of possibilities. I am feeling my heart open with this idea…possibility. There is so much that is before me. I just need to give myself a little space to realize this. I need to allow myself to release the fear, anxiety, self-doubt, and self-judgment. It is that darn self-judgment that gets me every time. The comparisons with others and negative voices that echo in my head.
Trying to just find that rhythm of hope and belief.
In myself.
Trying to stay in a rhythm of possibility.
(visit self-portrait challenge for more responses to this month's challenge of environment.)

Reader Comments (6)
Hi, Liz. I love your honest and open way of laying your process out here, letting us see your moments of self-doubt, and your moments of triumph. There is an ebb and flow with that, it seems.
I've had a busy couple of days, and only now saw that I won the button-guessing challenge! I cannot believe it. I don't win things, and it was such a wild guess! Thank you. This was more fun than you can imagine - and thanks to Jon for helping in the counting too. Looking forward to my surprise. This is too good. It was your birthday, and I'm getting the gift!
It's fun to get to see you in your creative element; I'm glad SPC came up with this prompt.
Your reflections about possibility are familiar to me--the self-judgment, comparing my walk with that of others. It seems like you've really found your groove, balancing your job and family and creative pursuits. Wrap your arms around this time and enjoy it :)
The photo is wonderful...it really conveys what you're saying about the rythmn of sewing, as well.
You look so peaceful and content there. I love that picture. :)
I completely get your photo & words. I find painting does the same thing for me. It puts me in this zone, and lets my mind rest. As for the self- judgement, I find it in the corner, nagging me on occasion too. Know your work is lovely & you look quite at home in your studio...
Rhythm of possibility ... what great words. Wonderful contemplative pic of a beatiful soul in her creative element!