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{AW} check-in

I am behind. Again. An unexpected surge in editing work (which is good) has kept me working more than anticipated so I am juggling the many other things in my life. Still, I hate being "behind" again. I always turned my homework in on time! Maybe this is becoming more of an exercise of letting that need for perfection go and still do the pieces that I can. I also think that I might be behind because in the sidebar for this week's chapter Cameron tells us we will discuss money. Money is not a topic I enjoy. Abundance is though. So maybe I am manifesting some abundance through all this work this week...

The artist dates remain one of my favorite parts of the process (and one I can do even if I am behind). This week I planned on taking the $5 my grandpa sent me for Valentine's Day (as he and my grandma have done every year since I can remember) to the dollar store Friday to see what I could find. But life (and illness) interrupted. So today, as a trip out of the house, I took Jon on my artist's date to the dollar store. With rules...er...suggestions. We were each going to wander around the store (my grandpa sent him $5 too) for about 15 minutes. Ignoring each other. And then meet up at the cash register with our finds. But these finds had to be something to feed our creative soul. (read: not stuff for work.) It was fun! I found neat pencils, alphabet stickers, and superballs (to remind me of this). Jon found superman and mighty mouse cartoon dvds and teenage mutant ninja stickers (that might be for school but at least they are not serious). I could have spent more than $5 but stuck to my plan. And yes, I promise to go on my artist date alone next week.

Thank you all for your kind words and positive energy you sent our way after jon's health scare the other night. He is still feeling "puny," as my grandmother would say, but is much better.

Reader Comments (6)

He .... is much better.

hugs to both of you

February 18, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterRavenGrrl

Glad to hear that Jon is feeling much better. Your date sounded like a much needed good time. And even though you're behind you're still in the game. Do the best you can. Forget about being perfect. be well.

February 18, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbeansprout

thank you both...so nice to have such wonderful blog friends in my life...

February 18, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterliz elayne

I'm SO glad he is better, so scary when our loved ones don't feel good. Your artists date (even though it wasn't solo) sounds like a lot of fun and I wish I had all of our dollar store treasures!

February 19, 2006 | Unregistered Commenteracumamakiki

I loved the bouncy ball commercial. It made me feel goood. :) The dollar store is a good idea.

February 19, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterBlue Dog

I know what you mean about falling behind - I have been reading the chapters each week, writing in my notebook, and going on artist dates, but all of a sudden four weeks have passed and I hadn't posted any updates on my blog - which I had intended to do every Friday for each week. Oh well, I am almost caught up, but I don't feel too bad about it, that I am not doing perfectly, like you said. That is real progress for me, because it is about my progress, not perfection. I thought before that being an artist, a writer, was about doing it perfectly and having success. I am learning to be gentler with myself, and not worrying about the results. Just exressing myself and developing my creative side is enough.

I live in Sweden (I am from NYC though) and they play that Bravia commercial here, and I was really excited to learn that the singer, Paul Gonzales is from Gothenburg where I live! I am on the lookout to see when he is going to perform here because I would love to see him.

Take care!

March 10, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDeirdre

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