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Saying yes to ruffles & layers & softness & me. Just me.


to ruffles
to layers
to soft i could sleep in this clothes
to letting go of "what not to wear"
to colors that feel like home

to hats
to headbands
to oils that glide across my skin
to white after, before, and on labor day
to candles lit at dusk

to cozy
to cooking
to letting the shoulds be 
to listening
to choosing love 

today, i say yes
to ruffles
to layers
to me,
just me. 


I cleaned my closet Saturday and instead of the usual "you should keep this because it makes you look thinner" or "what if you need that white blouse for a meeting" or "do you know how much that cost" voice that I usually hear in my head when tackling the closet, I first heard the wisdom of my friend Hannah encouraging me. And then after the first shopping bag was full, I began to just hear my own. Yes. 

Slowly, I will go through it all...the closets, the drawers, the under the bed stuff...and I will gently gather only what I love to me.

Reader Comments (6)

thanks for sharing this lovely affirmation that celebrates you.
and a lovely reminder that I need that too in my life.

December 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAlma

You are the cutest thing ever...:)

December 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSherry

Love the poem and you looking blissful. Such a great photo. As usual, you inspire me, I will be sorting through my closets and drawers and sending on things I do not love and never wear to people who might love them. Blessings to you.

December 5, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterrandi

love that dress and photo. i just got the softest dress ever. it's not what i would usually wear. as in it is patterned and not solid black but i love it. it makes my heart smile.

December 6, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkeisha

That dress looks so comfy! Love the photo and your poem is what I needed to read today. I feel I will be reading over and over again during these next few weeks. Thank you.

December 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAngela

You look so joyful and so cute! I love the poem too. Yes, yes, yes!

December 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterVictoria

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