flag sets are in the shop!
Over Memorial Day weekend, Ellie and I made a set of prayer flags for her room and another set to hang outside on my studio. It was pretty magical! I want to tell the whole story of making them with Ellie in another post soon (it was her first time sewing with a sewing machine!), but today, I want to share that I had so much fun creating them that I couldn't stop myself from wanting to make more. So I'm having a pre-sale of flag sets in the shop!
I've been creating flag sets in various styles for almost 10 years. All my flag sets are inspired by Tibetan Buddhist prayer flags and Apache burden baskets. As I create them, I'm singing away in my studio as I infuse them with love and joy and wishes of light and peace for you. When you hang them inside or outside your home, let them carry your prayers, wishes, burdens, hopes, worries, and deepest dreams and then release them into the world as they blow in the breeze.
These flag sets are available just through Thursday of this week! Creating these brings me so much joy, but due to time and other projects, these flags aren't always available in the shop. So if you'd like a set or two, place your order now. They'll come packaged in a sweet little cloth bag ready to give as a gift or hang up in your home.