hello over there

Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
upcoming ecourse

Come along to Tell It: 15 days of prompts and inspiration to feed your creative soul. Register right here.

in the shop

Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

stay connected

Entries in self-care (11)


take a quick mama break

As part of my collaboration with eBay, I'm sharing a few quick ideas for taking a short "mama break" in the midst of whatever might be happening in your day. These are all things you can do in just 1 to 5 minutes, and my hope is you can use them in the carpool line, when you're moving from being on the floor playing with Legos to the kitchen to make lunch, and even when you're on the bus on the way to work.

I'm having so much fun sharing different guides over on eBay, and I hope you'll take a moment to read this one along with the others over there. And a shout out to Vaness Simpson of Focus in Photography for taking so many of the photos in several of the guides I'm sharing over there.

And here's one quick way to take a mama break right now: close your eyes and take five deep breaths (or even just one) and focus on the space you create inside you each time your chest opens as you inhale.


If you're a mom want to dive even deeper into ways to practice self-care, check out Water Your Mama Soul. It's a 10-day class that invites you to come home to yourself through photography, writing, and self-care prompts.


a new collaboration

I'm excited to announce that I'm collaborating with eBay for the next few weeks, and this post is part of that collaboration.

So often, we think of eBay as a place to buy things we might not be able to get anywhere else. For me, this has meant searching for and scooping up a vintage Strawberry Shortcake lunch box like the one my mom gave away that I now use for sewing supplies, discontinued favorite Dansko shoes, vintage pink buttons that look like flowers, a stuffed animal for Ellie to replace one we couldn't get anymore, and even some jewelry tools I use in my studio.

You might not know that eBay is also a great place for information, and I've begun sharing some guides about a few of my favorite topics over in their guides section. I've also started putting together a few collections of things that are catching my eye as I explore eBay.

Today, I want to share one of my guides that is all about self-care. It has some great ideas for you to tuck away as we get ready to move into the holidays. And these ideas are about self-care moves you can do when you only have five minutes. Read it right here.

Over the next few weeks, from time to time I'll be sharing other guides you here. The topics will vary from curvy girl fashion to other self-care moves to DIY and craft ideas for you to do with your little ones. I'm so excited about this collaboration and so grateful to you for coming along!

The photo above was taken by Vanessa Simpson of Focus in Photography. Earlier this month, we had a fun day taking photos and sharing stories as we styled some photos for these guides and blog posts and tried to dodge the Pacific Northwest rain. So grateful for this blossoming friendship and how it's becoming a creative collaboration kind of friendship too. She has two little ones, so it is also fun to be able to swap mama stories + have playdates with the kids. 




still have sand between my toes #yourstoryretreat


So many giggles on the drive home as we sang with Johnny Cash and talked about what might come next.

Tomorrow, she heads back to "middle earth" and the true re-entry begins.

Self-care prescription for the week: Rest, nourishing food, walks along Puget Sound with my family, and remembering to connect with my kindreds when I feel lonely or a bit lost.

And what about you? How are you practicing self-care this week?


current favorite playlist

practicing self-care by taking a moment just for me while she naps

As the to-do list grows over here, I have been observing the ways that I do and do not take care of myself. My observations always tell me that I have to slow down and bring awareness to my day or I will lose my way. While Ellie naps or when her babysitter comes so I can get work done, I try to remember to also notice how I am feeling and what I need. Warm baked goods right from the oven are making that list. As is rest in the form of laying down for a few minutes and reading or closing my eyes. And then there is the music. In my world over here, there must always be music, and I especially like it when I can sing along and dance dance dance. 

Here is playlist that is currently on repeat this weekend:


I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) :: The Proclaimers
Get Out The Map :: Indigo Girls
Son Of A Son Of A Sailor :: Jimmy Buffett
Get Back :: The Beatles
Kiss On My List :: The Bird and the Bee
Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man :: Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn
Bus Stop :: The Hollies
Midnight Train to Georgia :: Gladys Knight & The Pips
Stop Draggin' Around :: Lenny Kravitz
If I Had a Boat :: Lyle Lovett
Via con me :: Paolo Conte
The World's On Fire :: The Housemartins
Let It Be :: The Beatles
Born Feeling :: Sara Tavares
Better Life :: Keith Urban
I Want to Break Free :: Queen
Rock With You :: Michael Jackson
You Got to Me :: Neil Diamond
Loves Me Like a Rock :: Paul Simon
What Next? :: hello mtn
Antarctica :: The Weepies
Little Bird :: Jonatha Brooke
Fast Car :: Tracy Chapman
Brian Wilson :: Barenaked Ladies
The Gambler :: Kenny Rogers
I Hope :: Dixie Chicks
C'est Si Bon :: Eartha Kitt


The next few days are sure to include some Christmas music, but it was nice to sing along with these songs as I hammered and wire-wrapped and wrapped packages and took time to twirl with the beana.

And you? What are you listening to these days?



the truth and the beauty (of all of it)

vivienne holding art by sabrina ward harrison

i am sitting inside some pieces of truth and beauty and pain and life and goodness all at once over here. and navigating these waters after having lived in survival mode for a long time has me feeling a bit tender. and i am okay in that "i know i am okay and life is full of such goodness" sort of way. but i also don't want to minimize or dismiss the whispers that are knocking about inside me, so i am also giving myself a little space to be honest with myself and a few trusted friends that my body, mind, and heart have been through so much this year. even though i deeply know how blessed we are that ellie jane is healing so well after such a huge surgery, i am aware that i have healing to do too. that i have pieces of my story that need to be shared inside the safe spaces of my life.

so after acknowledging these truths aloud last evening, it was with a tender heart that i began today. and when i had a moment just for me and i opened my laptop, the kind eyes of a dear friend were what i stared into as i looked at the image above in google reader, as i looked at an image that forced me to stop and feel and listen.

little did she know how much i needed to be seen in a way that someone invites you to feel seen when she snaps a photo of herself that reveals wisdom and truth and beauty.

this is the power of self-portraits and revealing ourselves to ourselves, and then, when we choose, to take the next step of revealing pieces of ourselves to others. this is the power of healing ourselves in a way that holds up a mirror for someone else.



the woman in the photo above is my dear friend vivienne. she is teaching an online course called "you are your own muse" that begins monday. when i think about all that she invited me to look at with just this one photo, i am full of anticipation for all that i will uncover while taking her course. (and, i have it on good authority that a few spots are left.)

hope your weekend is full of joy and light,
