hello over there

Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
upcoming ecourse

Come along to Tell It: 15 days of prompts and inspiration to feed your creative soul. Register right here.

in the shop

Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

stay connected

Entries in from the little room (51)


all dressed up...

a betty afternoon

betty models the new (all dressed up) soul mantra necklaces

i have been having fun with vintage beads lately and am introducing a new line of soul mantra necklaces to the shop. because of the sparkles added to them, i am calling this the "all dressed up" soul mantra line.

a new day, (an all dressed up) soul mantra necklace

each necklace includes a soul mantra pendant along with a gathering of a few vintage baubles. the colors of these beads are making me so happy. i had such fun while taking product photographs in different ways.

have faith, (an all dressed up) soul mantra necklace

the truth is that product photos are so important on etsy, and i have often struggled with them. but lately, i have been thinking of other ways to bring interest to the photos, so that someone will take that step and "click" to investigate more. we so often fail to discuss the marketing side of our little shops. i know it might feel uncomfortable to admit that we are hoping someone will click and investigate what we have made. yet, isn't that what we are hoping for? i think it is safe to simply admit that yes, this is true.

while taking these new photos, i realized i could capture the pieces of these necklaces that make me so happy: the colors, the shapes of the beads, the words...

be, (an all dressed up) soul mantra necklace

and even though i was freezing (snow on the crocuses this weekend), it felt good to push myself and play. it is a gift to again be invited to look at the lesson that reminds me that it is when our hearts are the most open, when a smile tugs at our mouths, when we can stand back and say, "yes. love this," that this is when we know we are really doing it. this is when we understand why we were lead on our path to this moment.

and even though sometimes the path is so full of tangled thorny brush, i am grateful that the path brings me to a day in march where the sun shines on my head and i can take photos of what i have created and i can smile and just breathe it all in.


one (powerful) word

one (powerful) word brass soul mantra necklaces, available here (thanks to jen for the processing)

Head on over to Ali's blog today to learn about "one little word." Ali chooses one word each year as a focus for that year and invites her readers to do the same. In her post, she explains the idea behind "one little word" and has a giveaway that includes a chance to win one of three creations inspired by this project, including a necklace from The Little Room. I have already really enjoyed reading the comments for her readers that include their words and reasons why. There is also a discount code for all Soul Mantra necklaces (good for the entire month of January...so you might want to check it out).

If you visit my shop today, you will find that I now have a new series of necklaces called "one (powerful) word." After spending so much time thinking about and literally twirling inside hope this fall, especially on election day and the days that followed (along with many other people in this country...in this world), I have been deeply thinking about how focusing on one word can push us to action and change the direction of our lives. My hope is that these necklaces will invite you to think about the words that you need in your life...the words you want to surround yourself with on your journey as you breathe and live and walk tall in your life.

I have also added three new Soul Mantra necklaces: Inhale . Exhale, Trust In This Moment (pictured below), and Just Hold On.

trust in this moment (soul mantra necklace)

In addition, you will see some new brass and sterling shapes available for pendants. And I have added round silver nickel pendants, which are perfect if you like the look of sterling but would like to spend a bit less.

There have also been some slight adjustments to pricing (including the lowering of the price of some sterling silver necklaces). I have finally figured out a custom necklace approach; so you will see new "custom" listings for "one (powerful) word" necklaces and the "custom soul mantra" necklaces that are for pendants with embellishments and multiple words.

And just for fun: as I was updating the shop last night, I decided to have a little impromptu apron sale. All aprons are currently 25% off!

a day for doing it my way, selma patchwork apron

Thank you so much for supporting my little shop this year! I greatly appreciate the opportunity to share my creations with you. It makes me smile to think about all the adventures the aprons, bags, scarves, and necklaces take on their journeys in your corners of the world.


an update, a deep breath, and heading to bed early

bettys sunday style

betty's style on day 2

we had a really wonderful weekend at urban craft uprising. this was such an incredible event. loved it. loved the people there, the delightful customers, the shopping...i hope to do it again next year. seriously, the folks who put on this show rocked.

and jon was a huge help...even staying up with me on friday night to get all the last minute things done, helping me all day saturday, cutting out more felt circles because the garlands sold out and i needed to make more, and helping me all day sunday. what a sweetheart that man of mine is.

the exhaustion set in late sunday night and i have yet to recover. a chest cold of some sort has decided to settle in for a visit. i am drinking lots of tea and wearing scarves and several blankets as i try to catch up on editing. i am also wishing i could find a tea for colds that doesn't taste like anise (ideas anyone?).

the bundled up with hot cocoa and the new yorker scarf

the bundled up with hot cocoa and the new yorker scarf, available here

betty and i had a photoshoot yesterday morning, and i have updated the shop with a few things, including patchwork aprons, scarves, new blossoms made out of ties that used to live in my dad's closet, and a few lots of dots garland. if you need something in time for christmas, note that i will be shipping items until december 19th. (i will also be adding a few more items here and there this week as i continue to process the photos.)

lots of dots 1

lots of dots garland, available here

but now it is time for bed...
i will share my december views and sounds of the season soon...
hoping things are beautiful in your world today...


a (necklace) collaboration

The "Yes" Soul Mantra and Petit Crystal Spear necklace set.
For sale here.
(photos by jen)

Jen of L'Essence du Monde and I have teamed up to bring you a necklace set just in time for holiday gift giving (for someone else...or maybe for you).

When you purchase the necklace set, you receive one of Jen's Petit Crystal Spear necklaces and one of my "Yes" Soul Mantra necklaces. The necklace lengths were created with wearing them together in mind. They will arrive in a small fabric gift bag ready for giving, and you will note we have priced them at a discount when you buy the set (as opposed to buying each one separately from our individual shops).

Visit the necklace set listing in Jen's shop to find more details.


be present {a soul mantra}

be present (close view)

be present
a new soul mantra necklace from
the little room

bring stillness in
give yourself
(deep, wide)
to just be present
in this moment
in this life
in your life

allow yourself
to experience
without the swirl
of distractions
around you
(within you)

notice how your breath
moves in your body
notice the beauty
of this moment
of this life
of your life

baby girl,
you are here
(right here)
where you are supposed to be
just let yourself
be present
live this life

live your life