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Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

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Entries in five (really) good things (45)


five (really) good things


an outfit for this day, 11.20.08

one. the friendly smiling faces and (seriously) sparkling personalities of the peeps at the drive-through starbucks this morning.

two. figuring out how to use my speakerphone on my blackberry so that i could continue a conversation that started out as a "i need you to talk to me so that i can stop crying and drive" and became a "yes, this idea is brilliant" kind of conversation with a good amount of laughter peppered in.

three. having a neighbor rescue me in a really kind way (we don't really know any of our neighbors...and i am so very grateful for the voice that said "yes" when i said, "i need some help...").

four. hearing this song on the radio just when i needed it (and feeling really surrounded by love in that moment).

five. wearing my new favorite purple socks. and tights. and a dress over a skirt. just because i can.

what five (really) good things are part of your world?
share them.
i dare ya.


one (really) good thing.

i was watching msnbc just now. chris matthews interviewing rachel maddow. she mentioned that people in florida are indicating how the lines are too long for early voting. and they aren't waiting. matthews said something about how when one looks back on history that excuse isn't really going to cut it.


not wanting to wait.

how are you going to tell your grandchildren that one?
how are you going to tell yourself that when you look in the mirror?

please just do this one really good thing.



five (really) good things

apron 5  side a

paris ii, natasha apron

the album my brother worked on/recorded with ben lee and jessica chapnik, the soundtrack from the australian film the square, has been nominated for an aria (similar to a U.S. grammy). jessica's voice is beautiful...loving these songs (visit her myspace page to hear some of them).

fall is here, which means it is that time of year when we begin to light our favorite candles at dusk.

finding a rhythm to my days as i try to balance it all and letting go of self-judgement when i don't quite find that balance.

creating. lots and lots of creating happening around here in any free second i have. (i've added natasha aprons to the shop.)

staying connected from this one-person inhabited island i sometimes feel that i live on.

how about you?
what are five really good things in your world?

name them.
i dare you.


five (really) good things (on a day where i really need 'em)

patches of blue

today was a day.
a bit like an alexander kind of day.
a bit like a day that started out as a day trying to drive me to the breaking point.
a bit like a day ending on a deep breath.

it is on a day like today that i do really try to find just a few things to make me remember all the good things...


being with millie again after two weeks apart.

spending a second night in my very own bed in my very own home after spending 23 of the last 39 nights in other beds.

spending a bit of time with captain jack harkness and the doctor.

having a nice young man arrive at our home and say, "this is not a problem" (to what seemed like the beginning of one of those horrible weekend sci-fi movies but was really scary noise coming from within the wall in the living room that was causing me to have a borderline full-blown panic attack but was really wasps that had invaded us while we were gone and created a wee bit of major havoc).

remembering the importance of taking care of one another.


think about the good things in your life...in this moment...then, share them. you know, if you want to.


five (really) good things on a day in july

midday at barton cottage

listening to millie snore beside me

having a bit of success taking product photos outside (this is the hardest part to me...i can get so annoyed with myself during this process...i am learning)

enjoying a beautiful cool day in mid-july

watching the movie penelope (have you seen it yet? you must!)

inviting myself to take a breath and then let go just a bit more when reflecting on disappointments, pain, or confusion from the past...just a bit more...(let it go)

what are your five really good things?
think about it.
then name them...

i dare you.

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