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five (really) good things on a day in july

midday at barton cottage

listening to millie snore beside me

having a bit of success taking product photos outside (this is the hardest part to me...i can get so annoyed with myself during this process...i am learning)

enjoying a beautiful cool day in mid-july

watching the movie penelope (have you seen it yet? you must!)

inviting myself to take a breath and then let go just a bit more when reflecting on disappointments, pain, or confusion from the past...just a bit more...(let it go)

what are your five really good things?
think about it.
then name them...

i dare you.

Reader Comments (14)

* waffles with strawberries and whipped cream (two days in a row ;-)
* a long overdue trip to the salon
* treehouse28 order and measurements complete
* ice cream
* adorable you


July 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKirsten Michelle

1. family. the boys, their dad and me, for the afternoon. it was weird but good.
2. roy getting better, bit by bit, day by day (long week!).
3. summer. period.
4. the smell of honeysuckle, permeating the air
5. the song of the woodthrush

July 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternina

1. feeling comfortable in my own skin
2. completing projects
3. taking pictures of nothing special
4. Family FINALLY coming to see us
5. the sun shine

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMegan


-feeling better
-8 making it through a sleepover...
-spending time poolside with a best friend
-the 20 dollar shirt i bought at walmart that makes me feel fantastic
-the book wicked by gregory macquire...sooooo good!

ps...LOVED penelope... :0)

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergkgirl

I'm going to post mine latter today!

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMaija

1. The temperature is staying below 90 degrees -- whew!
2. The prospect of making (and drinking) *real* lemonade this afternoon.
3. Sitting in my backyard as the sun sets, and enjoying the cool air.
4. Using my sewing machine on paper for the first time -- whee!
5. Big hugs from my son this morning.

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJudy Merrill-Smith

glass doors opened wide so the garden is invited inside.

wonderful cool day.

mama mia opening tonight.

hubby working from home part of the day so we had breakfast together and will have lunch before he leaves for a meeting.

a beautiful travel tour on HDTV today of Austria.

a friend has gone to the hospital to deliver her little girl!!

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSky

* A long, good talk with my husband over pancakes this morning... he's my soul mate.
* Finishing "my favorite" elephant ever (all new creations are my favorites, until the next one!!)
* Sunshine, lawn mowers and Lord of the Rings
* This happy moment

July 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCarla Sonheim

I just Netflix'd Penelope for Maddy & I to watch :)

Heading back to town tomorrow from SF - looking forward to catching up. xx, deb

July 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJP/deb

lemme see, okay:

my dog let me sleep late this morning.

my daughter woke up sunny instead of grumpy.

i gave away a big box of mosaic materials that I was never going to use, and the person who got it is making a mosaic to benefit victims of human trafficking.

I headed out of town to the boyfriend's house and we spent the afternoon swimming at the town pool, then had barbecue.

When we went into town to get coffee and ice cream, there was live music in the park, so we got a free concert.

thanks for the challenge to make this list, i'm going to try to make it a daily habit! xxoo lisa s

July 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlisa schamess

Carrying your BEAUTIFUL tote, with my summer books in it.

My cute new puppy and sweet older dog.

Taking my girls to see Mamma Mia.

Watching the sunset on our lake, from the sunporch.

Cold peach, ice tea, in this humid weather.


July 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEileen

~ chocolate covered strawberries my daughter made
~ a hello cuddle with my hubby when he gets home from work
~ my children listen to me
~ sharing with my friends
~ feeling content and fulfilled

July 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternichohn

*sleeping late (past 7am)
*iced tea in the morning
*quiet time to read blogs
*ripe juicy nectarines
*air conditioning on a steamy day :)

July 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpink sky

* a new magazine in the mail along with all the bills
* a free (uninterrupted) hour to read aforementioned magazine
* not having to leave the house for any reason whatsoever all day long
* going to bed on clean sheets right after getting out of the shower
* homemade banana splits
* eating a handful of fresh-picked blueberries at every pass by the kitchen table...guilt free!

July 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteramyrehnae

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