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november 29


i have been working at the kitchen table this weekend...


gathered vintage lace, buttons, pieces of the past come together to remind me of where i come from


i feel blessed that i get how important it is to look back in order to understand where i stand in this moment

and you? where has this weekend taken you? what do you know in this moment?

Reader Comments (2)

beautiful words, beautiful images.
this weekend has taken me to the bedside of my mother's best friend since the 3rd grade, my godmother, who is dying. placing my hands on her hands, head & shoulder. simply being there. a kiss goodbye-for-now-and-peaceful-transitioning on her cheek.
this weekend has taken me to a sunday of re-grounding, re-newing. sunday afternoon hours at a local coffee/tea spot in my hometown with a beloved. sunday evening hours spent at light shows in the city. sunday night writing and packing to return to my new new england home...
i know in this moment: all is well.

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergem

what a lovely collection of items - makes me want to gather some of my own lttle pieces and put something together! i know in this moment that everything is just as it should be. i have to confess that this feeling was only nudged into place by a wonderful book i am reading: a path with heart, by jack kornfield. to me, every page is so profound that i can only read a little at a time in order to truly digest, kind of like eckhart tolle. have a wonderful week and hope you are feeling better very soon - this too shall pass...

November 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatty

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