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love this :: current favorite tops

Over here, I'm alternating between jeans, leggings, and Texture pants daily and thought I'd share my current favorite tops. What I love about all these is that they are pretty much year-round tops for the Pacific Northwest. Perfect for layering or wearing as a top layer.

1) The Centerline Slub Tee from Anthropolgie feels like a super soft t-shirt but can look dressy. It is very swingy, so you might want to size down. It would look great with skinny or boyfriend jeans. I bought the blue because I wanted to add that sea color to my wardrobe. I really loved the gold but the coloring wasn't quite right for me. And the grey is gorgeous, but they didn't have my size. Note that the back is silky and probably rayon, so you might need a tank as it is a bit sheer (I always wear one of these). 

2) While at Anthro, I also found this tee. It is a great neckline for layering under some of my flowy tanks/dresses that are sundresses in the summer but dresses over jeans for me in winter. So soft and lightweight. LOVE IT! And it is 100% cotton, which can be hard to find in stylish t-shirts these days. I'm thinking about getting a few more colors.

It makes me so happy that Anthro carries XL in some many of their styles now. I also tried on this tee and really liked it but decided to get the other two instead. I have it in my cart though to watch for it to go on sale.

When I was at Nordstrom before Christmas, I came across the Sejour brand. It's their inhouse "plus size" version of their Caslon or Halogen brands. I love the styles they have in those lines, especially the t-shirts, but I often find that they are simply too tight in the arms for me. Sometimes the plus size of brands is too large, I seem to fall in some ambiguous middle ground in some stores, but I really like the styling of Sejour.

3) I got the Sejour lace yoke tank, which I wear under a long cardigan or the Free People top below... I pair it with leggings or jeans. And it will be great in summer. It is very flowy, but because I'm wearing it with leggings, I love that. (And if you don't need a plus size, I found a somewhat similar look here and here.) I also have this tee, but I cut the neckline (using this tutorial). It has more of an aline shape on me than the photo shows and is quite flattering. 

4) So often I see clothes from Free People that I like, but they do not carry a size bigger than a large, and they indicate the large is a 12, so usually I just ignore their section in Nordstrom. But a few things caught my eye, so I wandered for a bit and then found the Free People Sunset Park Thermal top. I got it in black (each color available seems to have its own listing on Nordstrom). It is super cute on and big, so order down. The L fits me and is very swingy and the fabric is so soft. I wear it layered with a long tunic or dress underneath and leggings or jeans and it makes me so happy. Note: The way the seams are sewn, there are little threads that are fraying, and before you wash it, they will leave little bits of fluff around you. No big deal if you're wearing black and have darker furniture (and this pretty much stopped after about three wearings), but I was wearing it at my mom's and sitting on her cream sofa and left a little trail behind me. Would also be a cute cover up.

5) And lastly, here's the Scoop Neck Jersey Tunic from Eileen Fisher. It is another one I'm pairing with leggings - falls longer on me than the model and it looks good with jeans too. I've even paired it with a long black skirt. Eileen Fisher is one of my favorite brands. I try to buy pieces that I'll wear for years as they're pricey but the quality is wonderful.

I'm also still wearing everything I shared in this everyday outfits post from about a year ago. That vest is still available and I still highly highly recommend it.

Oh and did you notice I mentioned leggings about five times in this post because dudes, I'm wearing leggings and showing some knee. For reals. My current favorite leggings are from Old Navy. I've always loved the ones from JJill too.

Note: Some links are affiliates, which means I receive a small commission when you purchase from that online store. See other "Love This" posts here. And see more of the clothes and accessories I wear and recommend on my "In My Curvy Closet" pinboard.

Reader Comments (1)

Thanks to you, I cut the neck (& the arms & the bottom) on a graphic tee I ordered from JCrew Factory that was super cute + the softest material ever but looked rather like a straight boy tee with the neckline and I wasn't sure how to redeem it. Now it is cute! And I owe it all to seeing your mention of cutting necks on FB. Thank you! (Humorously, it was so fun - it was like sewing without a needle + thread and I felt so accomplished - that I did the same thing to another tee and got a little carried away and it was a teeny bit better before I cut it. Oh well.)

I like the colors on that second Anthro tee. Adding to my wish list.

January 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth

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