here a little one teaches us about resilience.
here a woman feels laughter shake out the cobwebs.
here the flowers are bursting with audible exhales.
here the hummingbird chirps.
here the sky appears with unexpected blue.
here is a dream about picking fresh berries.
here black pen slides across the blank page.
here the old story slips into the earth.
here there is a wondering, a sadness, a hope.
here the neverending cold is not fading.
here beads are wrapped, words are hammered, talismans are created.
here days are measured in mugs of tea.
here hand to heart, breathe in, breathe out.
"Here" is on of my favorite creative prompts. You can use it to capture photos of what "here" looks like in your corner. You can try to make sense of your world with a poem note. You can make a list and add it to Project Life. You can fill up a whole page with here. Try it.
Reader Comments (1)
This is exactly what I needed today. Well the last few days really. The perfect prompt for me to get it out. You can't imagine how much this has helped me. Thanks. Michelle t