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charity: water 

In my quest to "Use Pinterest for Good," I'm trying on this idea of what might happen if I invited a few million strangers who follow me on Pinterest to change the world in small but meaningful ways. This fall, I'm partnering with charity: water to help give clean water to people living in India and I'm hoping you will join me.

During WDS (a conference I attend each July in Portland) in 2012, I was deeply moved by the work charity: water is doing in the world.  

And I couldn't stop thinking about this: Imagine if you had no clean water. Imagine walking hours to the nearest river to collect water for your family - water that’s not even clean. Imagine giving that water to your kids.

Although this might seem unimaginable to those of us sitting in our corners of the world enjoying a cup of coffee brewed from clean water that flows through our kitchen tap, it's a reality for 800 million people in developing countries.

800 million people.

Join me in a deep breath as you think about that for a few seconds.

I'm joining in with charity: water's September campaign to help them bring water to 100 villages in Orissa, India. Here's a video with more information about why they are focusing on India and what they will be doing with the money raised.

You might have found your way to my blog from my ::YES:: board on Pinterest. There are about 4 million people following and connected to one another through that board. Imagine if just 10% of us each gave $1. Imagine if each of us did.

100% of the money we raise will go directly to water project costs, funding long-lasting clean water solutions for people in need. When the projects are finished, charity: water will show us the exact communities we've helped using photos and GPS coordinates. This means each of us will get an email directly explaining where all the money we donated went.

$45 gives one person clean water.

$450 gives clean water to an entire family.

I can't wait to see what happens when the people who read my blog + a group of a few million strangers come together to help provide clean water. My goal is $4500, which would mean clean water for 100 people.

Every $1 helps.

And even if it sounds like a cliche, I really believe we can change the world. Together.


Thank you for sharing your light.

Learn more about charity: water's September campaign and donate here.

Reader Comments (5)

Well done Liz!!! I love this idea for using your board for good! You are an angel and I will definitely donate. Big hugs and love to you! xo

September 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterElle Jaye Jacobsen

This is a wonderful goal with such benevolent intentions, Liz! I wish you the best in meeting your goal and will spread the word to my friends!

September 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPatricia Sensor

Liz this is a fantastic idea. Some of us do not have a clue on walking so far for water and for that matter not clean water. Best of luck with this project.

September 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJanet Willadsen

Wonderful Water, amazing project and will totally support this. It really makes me think how me and my family take clean water for granted.

September 23, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterjanet

I love this. I will definitely contribute + share about it. You are doing such good in the world (always) Liz!

September 24, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterChristina Rosalie

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