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a girl and her vintage suitcases


EJ suitcases 1a


Taking Ellie out into the world where there are lots of people can be intense sometimes as it can be with toddlers. She wants to walk where she wants to walk and she mostly wants to just keep walking to see all that she can see and find lots of grates in the street and sidewalk and not spend time looking through adorable booths of very good things at the Fremont Market where we went this morning at my request because I wanted crepes.


EJ suitcases 1b


But then I spotted a few flowered oh my goodness those colors! vintage suitcases tucked under some vintage clothes in a booth. And suddenly we very much agreed on stopping to look around.

After I bought them, she would not let them go. 


EJ suitcases 1a


As in a "we are going to wait for daddy in this spot and I am in charge of the suitcases so don't you touch them I really mean it" sort of not letting them go.


EJ suitcases 2


As in an "I see you looking at them because you think I am in the way but I am setting up my own booth right here thank you very much" sort of way.


EJ suitcases 3


With several minutes of "I think some other people might see how awesome these are and try to take them so I am just going to keep my eyes on them and stand right here." 


EJ suitcases 5


And then she insisted on carrying them to the car.

Gosh I love this kid.

And oh how I love these suitcases! Found them in a booth run by this delightful Etsy seller who I found out has a little "only open on some Saturdays" shop here in Tacoma that I can't wait to visit soon. 

Reader Comments (10)

Pure adorableness. Every bit of this story. Thank you for sharing. And Happy Mother's Day!! xo

May 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPaula

What an adorable story... brings a smile on my face and unlocks a warmth in my heart because of the memories i have about my son at that age... he was similar determinated about the places where he wanted to go, just went and didn't look back to see if i would follow along :) As tiny as he was, already his little beautiful ankered self! Yes, gotta love thay!

May 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPJ

so much loveliness. so much!

May 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJulie Gibbons

That green suitcase! I had the EXACT same one when I was a kid! I loved it and would pack all my favorite things in it to take with me when I would go to my grandmas' houses. I was fortunate enough to live in the same city as both sets of grandparents and because my mom worked and my dad was away with the military I got to spend one week at one house and another week at another house.
Not at all surprised that beautiful babe has claimed those gorgeous suitcases as her own!

I just loved this little story. The photographs are beyond adorable...you captured it all so well. I love your little Ellie. BTW, I had a suitcase just like that when I was little...I remember using it for my first sleepover!

May 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie

Awesome! A great family and a wonderful moment in time!

May 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara Lamoreux

Awesome! A great family and a wonderful moment in time!

May 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara Lamoreux

I had something like this when I was a child its just plain in color.But this suitcase is really cute indeed.

oh my gosh ~ these pictures are pure delight. ellie jane knows a good thing when she sees it. ;)

May 17, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjennifer h

awwwwwww....i LOVED this...so cute!!

May 19, 2012 | Unregistered Commentergkgirl

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