i'm thinking about...
I'm thinking about the way rest is so often something we avoid, but something we deeply need.
I'm thinking about how sudden blue sky lifts my spirits and reminds me to always create space for hope.
I'm thinking about the seasons of so many words and the seasons where the words swirl inside me but can't find their way to the page.
I'm thinking about how delicious a really good cup of coffee tastes.
I'm thinking about how grateful I am to be able to do the work I do.
I'm thinking about how I can continue to let this year be more gentle every. single. day.
I'm thinking about how to set down the rules and the shoulds and the invitations to have things be a certain way and just live. really, really live.
I'm thinking about the fragility of life.
I'm thinking about the sound of Eleanor's giggles and how her hand feels when she reaches for mine and grasps tightly as we walk together.
I'm thinking about the moments of uncertainty and wishing it was easier.
I'm thinking about what it would feel like to pause even more before I speak.
I'm thinking about the way Puget Sound laps against the rocks and wondering why I don't stand beside it more often.
I'm thinking about how to create more space for friendships and hugs and girls' nights and date nights.
I'm thinking about the warrior me, the magician me, the ninja me, the gentle me, the sacred me, the woman finding her way and reaching out her hand to you me.
I'm thinking about creating with paper and photos and color and how it feeds me and how I must commit to more of it this year. (Join me?)
(photo is a peek of the Alchemy Deck I'm creating in Mindy's current class.)