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in the shop

Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

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in the moment. this moment.

port townsend

port townsend view, photo by jonny

port townsend always invites me to feel refreshed and open. love that place.

back from artfiberfest, my heart and head are full of goodness and ideas. a sense of renewel is swirling around me. at the same time though, i am also feeling a bit lonely as my house is so quiet and when i plug in my sewing machine and begin to create, i am not surrounded by friends and laughter.

this is what happens. lots and lots of goodness. then lots and lots of quiet. and i am struggling with that a bit.

and when i struggle with this feeling, this lonely quiet sort of feeling, i try to just stay as present as possible. breathing. in this moment. just being here.

i took three delightful classes with mary stanley, ruth rae, and tracie lyn and marylin huskamp. really, really good stuff. i learned rug hooking (and began to understand how long each project takes and the talent it takes and proceeded to buy two fantastic pieces from mary at vendor night because i love it all so much - photos to come)...i was pushed to think of ways to use all the vintage bits i have been collecting for the last few years and i learned about how visually appealing layering is and how really really fun it is to dye things (more on ruth's class in another post after i finish my soulful doors)...and...AND...i totally painted a bird onto fabric. yep. can't wait to tell you more about that experience after i take some photos...

and i spent time with some wonderful people (list to come...promise...i just want to get all the links together and that takes a bit of time). the group that is the small retreat of artfiberfest just rocks my world. adore them.

florence side a

tonight i am putting aprons into the shop (natasha reversible aprons and selma task aprons). we have been blessed with some beautiful blue sky around here, which made taking the photos a joy yesterday.

black and white dots

and i know i mentioned updating the shop with scarves this week, but i am sending the scarves i curently have off on an adventure.

blue + orange scarf_small

so, if you are interested in a selma patchwork scarf (like the one above) and some fall-ish selma patchwork pillows (like the one below), head over to the online shop of artstream studios. i am so delighted to have my first batch of items listed there (a big thanks to susan for her kindness and patience and for helping me to live a dream that was once just a comment on a blog post).

autumn color pillow_small

sorry i have been quiet lately...but i so appreciate your emails and comments and how you remind me that i am not alone.
you are not alone either.
thank you for you.

Reader Comments (14)

morning sunshine!
so glad you brought back lots of happiness from your trip. the new aprons are gorgeous. of course i have two favorites!

talk to you soon

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthe camp

i'm always a huge believer of being in the moment -
i'm glad you had wonderful moments again in port townsend (how oculd you not?)...

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternina

could. i do know how to spell, i do, i do!

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternina again

Hi Liz, Your blog is wonderful! I just realized that I met you in Port Townsend Friday night. I bought the orange + purple package of thread, etc. Thank you for throwing in the black rick-rack and cute WISH ticket. I had driven up to PT from Bainbridge just to check it out...what an amazing group of artists! :)

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJustJoan

I just love, love, love watching your work expand and evolve. Can't wait to get my aprons!!

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSwirly

Learning new things, branching out, expanding horizons and then seeing dreams become reality. This is a life lived well.

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSherry

i love your sparkly excited writing voice... love that b/w apron too... hmmm apron... so happy the artfiberfest was a smash, and woo-hoo on selling your work at Artstream!

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

you have such an eye for color and combingin fabrics, truly. i don't comment much, but i read always. thought i'd say hi today. maybe to help balance out the quiet...

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I've been following your blog for awhile but don't think I've ever commented. This one hit home since I've been feeling the same way since I returned from my first-ever art retreat (Raevns Nest in WI). After the rush of being with my sisters and taking classes from Judy Wise, Michael deMeng and Bernie Berlin I've been rather bereft having to come back home to be alone. You're so right. It's much, much better if you just stay in the moment.

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercarolsue

Oh Liz, I miss you so much already. Spending AFF with you was so great and it feels good to have connected even more closely with you. My mind is bursting with ideas but I am trying to keep them corralled until I have the time to let them free. I can't wait until we start on our collaborative project and also to see you in March/ April! xo

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

that pic took my breath away. and all of these items are making me SWOON woman. swoon.


October 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjenica

oh LIZ! I caught the Port townsend breeze from this post!! ahhhh-- LOVE that selma task apron-- wow! you are in the zone baby! you are in the ZONE!

Am so glad for you happiness.

Bisous, E

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I think your soul mantra necklaces are so very lovely and am so happy to have you visit over at ML today. Your comments were so kind and made my day! What a lovely blog you have and so glad you are treasuring your sweet Millie(is she a golden?) All the best!

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa de la Fuente

ahhh...yes. always this is good (and, for me, life*sustaining): remembering you, i, we are not alone. we are so not alone.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergem

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