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29 things I have done in the last 28 hours

*watched entourage and cheered ari as he rescued lloyd
*was told by my hmo that i can’t see my doctor because the sinus infection i described didn’t sound like it had reached the bacteria stage and that even though i am flying on sunday, the consulting nurse just wants me to take sudafed (okay, she was actually quite nice but i hate having an hmo and being told that i can’t see my doctor)
*started crying because my head hurt so much from the pressure of my sinuses
*laughed and cried with dana on the phone
*laughed and cried with kelly on the phone
*was reminded by two friends and my husband that i am stronger than i realize
*appreciated my husband’s kindness in taking care of me as i am ill and overwhelmed by some things (like the last 30 years of my life)
*felt the healing power of mixing paint and stroking it across a page
*painted 12 pages of my new art journal
*laughed as i glued paper to a page ala the techniques i learned in anne bagby’s class at artfest
*had mug after mug of genmai-cha tea
*felt really happy that the pressure in my head started to decrease
*ate some spicy thai food as spicy food was one thing the consulting nurse told me would help clear my sinuses (really…do any of you have other ideas??)
*used the neti pot
*wore my hair in pig tails
*watched the movie stranded on the hallmark channel (a less disney-fied telling of the swiss family robinson story)
*blew my nose about 150 times
*edited some files
*ate a few too many mint milano cookies (but they are so good)
*(i am not proud of it) said aloud that the bird of paradise (all of them) are creepy [insert not so nice words here] (have you seen these guys? we watched them on planet earth again today…have seen them three times. they are insane those guys. so damn cool. to see them yourself, click here and scroll down to jungle: birds of paradise. then hold on tight.)
*listened to my husband tell me all the people he thinks of when he lights the healing candle…i didn’t realize that he did this…i love this
*fell in love with a tamarin
*stayed in my pajamas
*daydreamed about wanting to go on a vacation that would involve sitting and watching the ocean and whales
*checked the weather for chicago
*did some laundry
*ordered the book the dance of anger (on the recommendation of a friend. thank you for saying “did you write it down?”)
*thought about taking a nap
*kept trying to tell, speak, live the truth

Reader Comments (13)

I love lists, so needless to say I loved this post.

Hope you'll feel better soon!!


April 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDreamer Girl

The neti pot is genius for anything sinus although it still mystifies me how it goes up one nostril and down the other......

That whole scene with Lloyd and Ari was brilliant on Entourage this week and I adore how Lloyd kept calling him, 'Ari Gold'.

Safe travels my friend - my cyber hugs are even closer with you in Chicago, remember that. xoxo

April 21, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteracumamakiki

The Dance of Anger is a great book. I had to read it back in Graduate School, but it has stayed with me and it concepts have helped me deal with people throughout the years. Hope you are feeling better, just had the sinus surgery a few weeks ago, that I have been avoiding for years, and I say stick with the netti pots! Have a safe trip and keep creating your art. Love, love, love you posts.

April 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterEileen

I'm sorry for your sinus! I know that really sucks. Saline spray? Keep it moving is the key. That helped me.

Have a safe journey.


April 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAmber

I really enjoy your blog....as I was reading your list I saw an entry about how to glue paper to a page using your friend's technique. I have just started journaling, and like to type my feelings and then glue them into my notebook....can you share this technique? As for your sinuses, stay hydrated, and drink lots of clear liquids. Be well!

April 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJan Walmsley

"was told by my hmo that i can’t see my doctor because the sinus infection i described didn’t sound like it had reached the bacteria stage"

Somehow this just seems REALLY wrong. Why on earth would they want you to get sicker in order to see your doc? The whole idea is to be proactive about your health and PREVENT illness! Unbelieveable! As someone who has ongoing serious ear/sinus problems, I know how painful this can be and it's horrible that you are being discouraged from getting care. I am just glad we don't have hmo's in Canada! *sympathetic hugs*

April 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTatterededge

just wanted to say
that i loved this list
and also that when i worked
for various bookstores
the dance of anger
was always highly recommended...

and i hope that you are feeling
better...sinuses suck.

April 22, 2007 | Unregistered Commentergkgirl

You go, girl...
safe travels, dear friend.

April 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRegina Clare Jane

I love reading your lists and I'm holding you in my thoughts and prayers. {{{hugs}}}

April 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCarla

Oh, I hope your sinuses feel better. Soon!! Hopefully the neti pot helps. Do you have some Tom's chest rub?! It's pretty good to rub on your nose when you are stuffed up.

April 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSusieJ

vick's sinex nasal spray - time released. only use 2 times a day. try 9 am and 9 pm so you can sleep and so you can have a decent day! it works, 100% of the time! 2 squirts in each nasal cavity...no more at each dosage. if you are still stopped up when you fly try to adjust so you are not at the tail end of you dose when you fly...in other words you will be less congested in the earlier part of the "use" period. when you awake you will notice you are becoming a little congested, but it disappears like magic when you spray. just be careful since nose sprays can become addictive if you overuse them and have a lot of allergies. good luck and have a good trip.

April 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSky

I was thinking of suggesting a neti pot for your sinus troubles, then I read the next line, where you said you used your neti pot. Hope it's helped. I really like mine.

April 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRobin

Hope you're feeling better! Thanks for your honest and transparent posts.
As for sinus woes, I have success with: daily doses of alfalfa tablets (I use Shaklee's - 2 of them 3x/day...year 'round). This keeps me sinus free most of the time :-)Also, when symptoms arise...a good detox tea, some bee pollen, and perhaps spirulina (anything that will boost your immune system.) Also, back away from all dairy products as they are big-time mucus/congestion producers.

Good luck!

April 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLisa from Ohio

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