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a little time in portland, oregon

jon and i whisked ourselves away for a weekend in portland. our reason for going was to see my baby brother and spend some time with him on his birthday. he. is. 26. unbelievable.

we were also lucky enough to visit with laini and jim over pancakes saturday and then with judy over eggs and french toast on sunday.

laini and jim just make me smile. their love for one another is such fun to be around and i love listening to them talk about their work. we had a lively talk about the incredible animals laini is researching while writing and the amazing creatures jon and i are watching on planet earth. (are you watching this show? if not, you MUST. you simply must. the creatures of planet earth will rock your world.) i think jon and i could laugh and talk with these two for days on end.

and judy...dear judy. i was lucky enough to connect with her at artfest and it was such a joy to see her again so soon. after breakfast, when jon and i talked about all she teaches with her words, i started calling her “judy the wise.” she simply “gets it.” and shares what she gets and what she has learned from living her life. she reminds me to remember myself, which is quite a beautiful gift.

my soul feels rejuvenated after the weekend. even as i seem to travel between grumpy and fearful and overwhelmed and peaceful and sad and full of joy and grumpy again...connecting with these folks, and my brother and his inspiring, adorable, and kind girlfriend, and my husband...this has been a needed deep breath.

jon and i had fun exploring antique malls and bookstores and streets full of construction (okay, that last part was sometimes frustrating...there is so much construction there!). we stayed at this funky new hotel (the ace hotel) and enjoyed the whimsical, hip nature of the place and the fact that is was one, that’s right folks, one block from powells. we did not so much enjoy the techno drunk inspired noise outside our hotel until well after 2:30 a.m. both nights. i had the oddest dreams there. if we stay again, we will request a room that does not face the front of the building.

i have more to share and say…but i think i need to spend time laughing until my cheeks hurt again…that’s right. another hour to waste watching “thank god you’re here.” because, well, lately i am thinking that it just isn’t a bad thing to laugh until your cheeks hurt. nope. on a day like today, full of grief for many families connected to a school across the country, we can hope that some of the joy of that laughter manifests itself however it is needed.

and just a note to say thanks for stopping by. i know i haven’t been writing as often as i usually do or sharing the guts of stuff like i usually do (or writing about artfest like i promised or sharing photos of the prayer flags i really am making). but just know that your words and just knowing you are out there living in your lives and doing the “heavy lifting” and getting it…just knowing that makes this girl feel part of something. thank you for that.

Reader Comments (13)

oh i wish i was there to see you! we just missed one another. i'll be up there in several days (next week).

and yes, planet earth is FANTASTIC. did you see the FRESH WATER one? and the JUNGLES one? so, so cool.


April 16, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkelly rae

Great to see you guys too! And I DID watch Planet Earth last night and saw that weird bird you were talking about; at least, I assume it was the same one, the bird of paradise. It was BIZARRE and did not look like a bird at all!!! And how about the parasites??????? I kind of love parasites, they're so dastardly!

April 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLaini Taylor

I can't wait to see your prayer flags, Liz. I just loved the one you made for Tracie Lynn! :) Hugs,

April 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShari Beaubien

I'm glad you had such a good time and laughed so much. It's good for the soul. And yes, Planet Earth is just fascinating. I watch with my jaw dropped in amazement.

April 17, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeirdre

Liz~ so glad to hear that you had a wonderful time here this weekend. I do believe that it is a magical place, but then again, we all know how much I love it here.

I understand this place you are in...the constant change in emotion and the frustration that comes with it. I am trying like mad to figure it out and dig myself out of it...and I am sending you love and support as you work your way through it as well.


April 17, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterceanandjen

Sounds like a great time! I love being with friends who make me feel the way you mentioned...

April 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKristine

i hear your words liz and i needed to read this post about connections. i just had the biggest impulse to call you on the phone but then chickened out. you are a good friend and i know that the friends that spend time with you feel blessed by your friendship. xoxo

April 17, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteracumamakiki

Welcome to my neck of the Pacific Northwest. I am a writer and artist living in Portland. Sounds like your trip was fun.

--and so it goes--

April 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRob Kistner

oh, lizard! (i don't know why, but i've had the urge to call you lizard for a while...)

i do miss you, and think about you often, but as you said, i'm glad that you're doing whatever needs doing and that you're laughing when you need to.

i'm glad you had an awesome time in portland.

April 18, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterbee

sounds like you are replenishing your soul...drink it all up and make no apologies, sweet soul. you are always inspiring! xo, mindy

April 19, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterwish studio

I love hearing about your lovely time with friends... I relish every word from you. No need to worry about how much you post or when-

April 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRegina Clare Jane

Oh, you sound so alive and in the moment...sharing the now with other humans who know who to be alive. I realize reading you that I need more of this.

April 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

I am so glad I found your blog. You write the truth from your heart. You give me hope and inspiration... Thank you!

April 19, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterbarb

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