overheard (while listening to my ipod and writing)
feist (when i was a young girl)
when i was a young girl i used to seek pleasure
stevie nicks (landslide)
can the child within my heart rise above
can i sail through the changing ocean tides
can i handle the seasons of my life
deb talan (how will he find me)
there’s a well inside of me
that never runs dry
james taylor (up on the roof)
i’ll get far away from the hustling crowd
and all the rat-race noise down in the street
eddie from ohio (twenty thousand hearts)
to hell with distance
remember who you’re talking to
everything but the girl (walk the same line)
if you lose your faith babe
you can have mine
joshua radin (someone else’s life)
when i’m lost
i look at my picture of you
indigo girls (power of two)
the closer i’m bound in love to you
the closer i am to free
kenny rogers (love lifted me)
when nothing else would do
you know, love lifted me
paul simon (wartime prayers)
but when the wounds are deep enough and it’s all that we can bear
we wrap ourselves. in prayer.

Reader Comments (7)
you and i are clearly sharing a brain today, because i've started composing a poem comprised entirely of song lyrics that i feel describe me.
you were brought to mind today in target, because i was perusing the cards, and i saw one that said "yes"...and i was all set to buy it and send it to you because that word is YOUR WORD and i love that about you...but then, i realized it was a card celebrating someone's engagement and it had some cheesy nonsense on the inside about wrapping love around a finger and such. anyways, you were thought of! hope you are having a happy day, dear one!
this was a great idea.
and i especially like knowing
that across this space and distance
we may be listening
to the power of two
at the very same time...
this is delightful
the lines remembered
and pulled out
to share here
reminds me that tho'
poetry may not be at the forefront
of our modern american life
it is the basis
on which the music
which drives us everywhere
is written
thanks for the reminder
was getting woeful thinking
we poets were alone in the mist
What fun. It's so interesting to see what you're listening too and more importantly, what you're hearing.
This actually reminds me of when I was a teenager and I would make mixed tape of just lines from songs that meant something from me until it became a collage song that told a story of where I was at the time.
i LOVE this post!
I love landslide. I never "got"it..though the younger me liked it. Stevie Nicks is such a gypsy soul. But now I know this song. I live this song. I feel this song.
My secret mystery code thingey was
"bfood". interesting. Very interesting.
had to share.