the. best. time.
fabric (new and from my stash) to be made into Natasha (reversible) aprons and other things, 22 october 07
I had the best time at artfiberfest. The. best. time.
I want to tell you about the incredible people (old friends and new) I bonded with. I want to tell you about all my classes. I want to tell you about the feeling of having someone really get my prayer flags and the moment when a person looks across the little table holding creations I made by hand and says, "This is meant to be mine." I want to tell you about my epiphanies and ideas and a very special moment I had all alone in my room at the B&B. I want to tell you about all the joy and truth that has been setting up camp in my head and heart.
And, I will. I really will.
However, I have spent the day catching up on work, mailing out a swap package, talking on the phone with a couple of friends, and trying to keep these feelings present while in the back of my mind so that I do not just get swept back into being the person who forgets what she knows to be true. And, I am a bit sleepy. But I knew, after Kelly's (insistent) gentle proddings, that I must check in here a bit.
And, the truth is that I also, of course, spent a bit of the day at a fabric store before picking up Miss Millie from doggie camp. You see, my aprons, the six aprons that I brought with me for vendor night…well, they sold. Fast. I didn't even take any pictures of them. And, lots of people asked me about them. So, I plan to make a few more to put in my shop. Which, of course, means that I had to get some fabric to supplement what I have.
And, I don't think a person can ever have enough gigantic rick rack, so I had to get a bit of that too.

Reader Comments (11)
How good it feels to know your art, whatever it is, connects with others. I look forward to reading about it.
The stack of fabric looks luscious. I am not a sewer but keep buying fabric scraps because - well, they are pretty! I am learning collage and hope to use them that way.
yes, there's always room for gigantic rick-rack, it's the very best kind. i'm glad you had a brilliant time and can't wait to hear more!
So looking forward to reading more.
i'm so happy that you
had a great time
and that you sold all of your aprons!
that is fantastic :)
and also happy to hear that
you will be making more...
i can't wait to see the aprons. the one you posted a couple of weeks ago was so adorable and i went to etsy to see if it was for sale!
so glad you had such a great time at art fiber fest. i hope one day i can go to something like that.
I MISS YOU!!!!! Ah... those moments I will ALWAYS treasure
and my flags... oh my flags.. that still make me teary eyed even after I carefully unfurled it from it safe place in my bag and hung it up.
and my apron... DO DIE FOR... I ADORE IT!!
lovin the fabric! and the giant ric-rak!!!
love that rick rack and the great news about your aprons. looking forward to reading more.
oh i can just sense you excitement! i can't wait to share in the goodness. i'm so glad you're back though...i missed you...
remember...honoring our authentic voices is what this is all about...i've not stopped thinking about that since we talked...and every blog post i've written since then has had that at its core...
love to you honey bunny!
I'm soooo glad you had such a great time! And that people loved and scooped up your aprons! I knew they would, for they are the lovely of lovlies (as Leonie would probably say!).
Here's wishing you the continued joy and energy of creative goodness and success.
yay ~ so happy you had such a fantastic time :) and um ... aprons ~ oh yes!! : )
that fabric looks delicious!! xox