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Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

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Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

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« five really good things | Main | ways to procrastinate* »

lately late

I have been a few days late for a lot of things lately. A few days late watching the Notre Dame football game (finally watched the Irish win today). A couple of days late wishing a friend a happy birthday (and going on over a month late wishing the same to two other dear friends). A few days late sharing the joy that was my weekend in Portland as I crashed the party that is Art & Soul …

I am still getting over the bug I had a few weeks ago as it seems to be hanging out in my system and rearing its head every few days. That, combined with hardly sleeping Friday or Saturday night has turned this week into one where I seem to work and nap and sew and nap and add more items to my ways to procrastinate list and then take long hot showers.

But, on to the goodness that was my 36 hours in Portland.

(I wanted to tell you details, all the little details, but as I tried to write those few paragraphs, I kept coming back to wanting to just tell you the following.)

I spent my 36 hours in Portland surrounded by goddesses with names like Kelly, Judy, Diane, Tonia, Stephanie, Nina, Misty, Jen, Joyce, Sharon, Carla, LK, Katie, and others.
I spent my 36 hours in Portland laughing my way to wholeness.
I spent my 36 hours in Portland learning from every person I talked with.
I spent my 36 hours in Portland with a brain crackling with ideas and dreams.
I spent my 36 hours in Portland so grateful for all that has happened to bring me to this moment.
I spent my 36 hours in Portland soaking in the wisdom.
I spent my 36 hours in Portland believing in possibility.
I spent my 36 hours in Portland thankful for every gift.
I spent my 36 hours in Portland high on the high that is knowing you are on your path.

And, I spent 10 minutes on the drive home from Portland taking a few pictures* that summed up how I was feeling as I sang and drove and reflected on all of it.

all that happens as i drive

(check out Kelly's post and Judy's post and Nina's post for a few more about some of the fun had by all)

*Don't worry, I really was paying attention while driving. I was. And if you look closely, you can see just a bit of my new Nina necklace. Oh how I love it!

Reader Comments (11)

Hi gorgeous girl!

Oh what fun-the piuctures-the 36 hours-the new necklace.

I hope you are feeling 100% soon.

Glad it was so fun.

Love you

October 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterColorsonmymind

i LOVE the excitement
captured in this post,
both by the photos
and your words!

October 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commentergkgirl

Oh, how wonderful! I'm soooo glad you had a marvelous, life-filling time. We all need that. Probably more often than we realize or allow ourselves.

Hope that "bug" goes away. Hmmm...may be time to consult a doc?

Here's wishing you improved health and glorious creative time in the Little Room :-)


October 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

you look so beautiful, the joy on your face is breathtaking :)

so glad you had such an amazing time!! yay!! xox

October 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdaisies

hope you feel better soon ~ sending you chicken soup thoughts and a warm hug!!

October 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdaisies

I feel the same as you; refreshed and inspired beyond description. You, however, ARE able to describe it - thank you for that. Oh, the joy. (((hug)))

October 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJudy Wise

still beaming...very tired...but beaming...still


October 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkelly rae

I am so glad that you had such a wonderful time...soulful...full of love, full of creativity...wonderful.

Meeting you was the highlight of my weekend, and although I wish that we would have had more time to chat, I feel blessed that we had that time we did.

I have been thinking about you all week and wondering how your preparation for this weekend is coming. I hope that you are feeling MUCH better very soon and that you have ANOTHER wonderful weekend to come.


October 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterceanandjen

Sounds like you have lots of great reasons for being late recently. What a weekend!

October 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersulu-design

you look refreshed... full of energy again :)

October 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLeonie Allan

This is a great group of photos! You're very cute!!!

October 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCarla Sonheim

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