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ohhhh the goodness...and how it connects to bringing in the sexy

such goodness

This is the loot from our first delivery from Tiny's Organics. Oh my...such delicious goodness.

two types of plouts, apples, arctic snow nectarines, salad mix, red chieftain potatoes, corn red chard, celery, carrots, and beets

oh my

I found myself eating a healthy lunch of celery with peanut butter (and some raisins because you need those) and a flavor rich (or was it the flavor king) pluot. Not some random thing that I found in the kitchen that is so not very good for me but I am starving and it is 3pm and I haven't eaten a thing yet. That is my usual way of getting through the day.

We will receive a big box of stuff just like this every Thursday. And each Thursday, I will probably scratch my head a bit about what to do with a few things...just like I did yesterday. So this is where you come in...

Thoughts on what to do with:
(or any of the rest of the stuff)

I don't think I had ever even seen chard (or noticed it at least) until yesterday.

And one more angle just so I can show off our new appliances. There is a pizza button on the microwave (and it works). Wish I had a before picture. Then you would really understand why we are so happy about it...

organic goodness and new appliances

{oh and yes...the part about bringing the sexy in...last week i mentioned at the end of my monday post that hanky pankies are the first step to bringing in the sexy. well, eating a bit healthier, feeling a bit lighter, feeling good about what i am putting in my body...that is another step.}

Reader Comments (24)

Hey sexy mama.

Chard is so yummy to me. I wash it and cut it into salad size pieces. I heat some olive oil garlic and onion until trabslucent and then put in chard-cover put on low-medium and turn it every couple minutes until it is wilted and soft. Add some herbamare and wala delish.

Beets are great grated raw added to salad or a salad on their own(be careful they stain fingers and clothes with some lemon and oil-salt and pepper or herbamare.

I love the new appliances and the idea of this beautiful delivery every Thursday.

Loving you sexy one.

October 13, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterColorsonmymind

Oh, the fresh bounty! No suggestions on the beets or chard, but the fresh fruits, potatoes (and I think I see corn too?) sound wonderful.

I immediately noticed the new appliance in the first picture and was happy to see as i scrolled down that you showcased it in another shot.

October 13, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterStar

I have the exact stove :) Beets you boil and they take awhile but so worth it! Love the blue counter :)

October 13, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTammy

I love chard. Thea's way is the simplest and most delicious. I LOVE your new appliances!!

October 13, 2006 | Unregistered Commenteracumamakiki

hi, sweetie:

i learned how to cook vegan and have worked in two organic food stores for a while so i am well versed in chard and beets...chard i actually like as salad greens, if you're so inclined - they are a bit more bitter, but so chalk-full of iron when raw...either that, or steamed lightly in a stirfry. (but thea's way sounds incredibly yummy, too.)

beets...well, i love them in stews and i make a pretty wicked borscht, which is a beet soup. i bet you could google an easy recipe.

go for feeling sexy, sexy mama! that's awesome - i'm happy for you.

October 13, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbee

beets - borscht! Very easy to make, or you can cook them in a pot of water and when they are tender, take them out, cool them and peel them and then slice and toss with lemon and salt. Very yummy!

Chard/collards/kale - take your fingers and from the base of the chard, pull your finders up. This is a good way to take it off the stem. ALthough, the top part of the stem is not as woody as the base. saute with olive oil garlic and salt. Its the best way.

October 13, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

Love the look of all that healthy food!
I'm not the world's best when it comes to what to do with veges either - so i will leave that challenge to more able cooks.

i want to comment on your 'good girl' blog - i thought I would do it on this post seeing as it has fewer comments. I could identify so much with your description of your good girl status through high school etc. I bet I could still beat you though on the good girl stakes! I was SO good.
I loved reading your thoughts - so insightful and on the button.
I'm still a good girl, but I'm happy in my good girl skin. I have no hankerings to be anything other than who i am. I am pretty much actualised. Which is a great thing to realise when you're in your 50s. :)Such a relief! At last, I'm virtually there. I LOVE being in my 50s - all that angst about being boringly good left behind me now. I know I'm good and I know I'm not boring (even tho' tongue in cheek i say to people I must be boring.) But I'm just tricking. I know I'm not; i'm just so happy to be me. A Good Old Girl!!! :) :)

October 13, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterchiefbiscuit

The vegies look yummy. I'll have to try the chard recipe.

October 13, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeirdre

Hurrah for good undies, new appliances and healthy food that is actually yummy. (and then we FEEL realy great for having eaten good food and enjoying it) :-)

October 13, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterceanandjen

my mouth is actually watering :-) beets we call beetroot over here - one of my *favourite* veggies.. i'd deffo make a soup, or cook them, chop them and add to salad. think i'm going to go buy some sweetcorn for lunch... yum

and fabulous new appliances, sexy mama :-) x

October 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSusannah

I'm with Susannah - I love grated beetroots in salad or in a sandwich or wrap, with grated carrots, hummus and beansprouts. Yum! Here's to bringing on the sexees ;-)

October 14, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbb

I love beetroots (my mother is Scottish and the name just stuck).
Pickled beets are my favorite. Just this past summer, I made pickled beets by peeling, slicing in rounds and boiling until soft. When they were done, I drained them, reserved some of the water. I put them in a jar with some vinegar, sliced carrots, the reserved water, lemon juice and some salt.
They kept good in the fridge for 2 weeks and they are just heaven as a side dish.

October 14, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbella

So funny you would mention how they are connected. Since I started karate I found myself wanting to put more goodness in (and feeling sexier!). Enjoy the yummy new stuff ... all of it!

October 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterHoBess

i know what you mean about the sexy...i think the sexy is much, much harder than the beauty...accepting beauty i'm getting good at but accepting that i'm sexy...well, that's another issue altogether...it's my next step in the imperfection boycott..

October 14, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterla vie en rose

Gosh, it all looks so good. I love fruit and veggies, so not hard for me to eat lots of that. And my mom used to cook up Swiss Chard, but I don't remember what she did with it. Hmmm...

October 14, 2006 | Unregistered Commentervioletismycolor

What a great idea -- fresh organic produce delivered to your house! As for chard, my mom would know a million things to do with it, but nothing comes to my mind. And a pizza button that works? Decadent!!

October 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterLaini Taylor

give the beets to your neighbors and make soup with the chard. ;)

btw, i'd come cook in your kitchen any day. it's beautiful!

October 14, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJessie

I am envious (in the good way) of all those delicious fruits and veggies. I'm glad that you are feeling sexy and healthy, it's really such a lovely way to go through life.

I've been loving your recent posts, Liz. The stuff about being a good girl - I identified so much. I've always had the good girl image and never got in trouble. This is what allowed me to be adventurous and make off-the-beaten-path decisions without anyone being able to question me. I mean, as long as I had a 4.0 in college and was getting prestigious awards and doing well at work - who could say anythign. Underneath the surface, though, I was doing plenty of things a "good girl" wouldn't approve of. But since I never got caught, I kept the image going strong and thus nurtured in myself an immense sense of guilt and being a fraud.

Isn't it nice to finally toss off those layers and settle into the kind of life we want to live, no regrets?

October 15, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAli la Loca

I really like the blue tile in your kitchen. Purty.


October 15, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAmber

the colors are so vibrant and beautiful, but like you, i wouldn't know what to do with it all except take lovely picture of it all and marvel at the shiny colors.

and yes, sexy is as sexy eats, or something like that!


October 15, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterkelly rae

How yummy! What beautiful colours. I love the picture of your kitchen with all those good eats in there. I'm imagining you feeling loved and nourished and oh, so taken care of.

Justin & I used to get a similar box of stuff. It was such an adventure! I'm going to have to go look up what plout is!

October 15, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

Don't you just love the organic delivery?? I LOVE IT!!! Do you think they'll have one in Uganda :P I think I am going to have to let go of organics for a bit.

I was so excited to see your kitchen, it looks so cute!

I thought of you last night when I lit my kitchen on fire. Yup, house full of smoke. Almost V bad. Not it is just smelly. Perfect.


October 16, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterLetha Sandison

All those fresh veggies look divine!! For the beets, chop them up with carrots, pearl onions, turnips & potatoes, then add salt, pepper, fresh rosemary and oodles of olive oil - 350 for about an hour, stirring a lot. Roasted veggies - YUM!!!

October 16, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSwirly

what is a plout?
am i being dense here?
and loving the new appliances!
how cool is that!

and isn't it funny how the
smallest changes can have
such a domino effect on your
mood, and image, and well being!

October 19, 2006 | Unregistered Commentergkgirl

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