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journey to poetry

I have heard the whispered invitations to explore the poet's world.
Do not be afraid, the voices say.
You will know when you find your words.
Open the door.
Let the others in to speak to you.
So I did.
And I will.

Jonah by May Sarton
I come back from the belly of the whale
Bruised from the struggle with a living wall,
Drowned in a breathing dark, a huge heart-beat
That jolted helpless hands and useless feet,

Yet know it was not death, that vital warm,
Nor did the monster wish me any harm;
Only the prisoning was hard to bear
And three-weeks' need to burst back into air . .

Slowly the drowned self must be strangled free
And lifted whole out of that inmost sea,
To lie newborn under compassionate sky,
As fragile as a babe, with welling eye.

Do not be anxious, for now all is well,
The sojourn over in that fluid Hell,
My heart is nourished on no more than air,
Since every breath I draw is answered prayer.

Reader Comments (6)

I love May Sarton's words. She is such a remarkable woman. And the world of poetry will open may doors.

January 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterBeansprout

I've never read May Sarton's poetry...only immersed myself in some of her memoirs (if that's what they were) in my 20's (I loved that she was really depressed, too.) It's a lovely poem. Yet I must admit that most often, I shy away from poetry. I often 'resolve' to investigate it further...yet never do...

January 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMarilyn

Beansprout - I look forward to the doors...
Marilyn - I have often resolved the same thing, but then get side-tracked by feeling like I don't get it. I am starting with some authors I like who also write poetry and will go from there...

January 2, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterliz elayne

Great poem. I loved her journals, too. They're full of the richness that quiet days can hold.

January 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterPatry Francis

beautiful - may the journey to poetry be a well written and beautiful one!

January 2, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbella

I like the poem.

but I love what you wrote.

January 3, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterirene

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