my favorites
This week, I love:
This song. (scroll down to hear a clip, song #2) Have it on my ITunes playlist on my computer. When it comes on, all work must cease. Dancing and singing commence.
This site. I love these illustrations.
This pose.
This yogurt. I loved yogurt as a child, but as an adult, I have never been able to find yogurt that my tastebuds like. It all seems to be non-fat (read: non-taste) or artificially sweetened. This is perfect. The right size, with all those active cultures I need. And, it tastes so good. Had to go back to being a child to find what I wanted. (I buy it from my local grocery store, but when I googled it I found you could order it from amazon. that site has everything.)
These shirts. Perfect for jeans, yoga class, pj's. The price cannot be beat.
This book. I am reading one story when I go to bed at night. Her words wrap themselves into my heart and I seem to sleep better (well, first I take a bath using Chocolate Luxury milk bath from this shop. it is like taking a bath inside a cup of hot cocoa).
Reader Comments (3)
So you like the book...I've never read anything by her but I've been wanting to read The Poisonwood Bible. Baths is chocolate...yum...
Barbara Kingsolver is great, but I haven't read that one yet.
Nice list!
My favorite book by her is Prodigal Summer. Oh it is fantastic. Devoured it this summer - couldn't put it down.