hello over there

Welcome to my corner of the world. I'm so glad you're here. Join me in a conversation about how we build a bridge between daily life and the life we're longing for. As you explore, you'll discover stories, some of my favorite things, a whole lot of love, and perhaps even join me in a little lip syncing. Learn more about me right here.

(almost) weekly letters from my heart to you
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Come along to Tell It: 15 days of prompts and inspiration to feed your creative soul. Register right here.

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Bowls of heart pocket talismans have been gathering in the studio filled with the words and phrases kindred spirits are holding close this year. What is your word? You can find the talismans right here.

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Entries in nine (18)


nine {with jen goff}

Nine is an interview series with creative folks that began in the Spring of 2009; the interviewees are asked to respond to the interview questions in photographs (or video). You can scroll through all the interviews here.

Today's interview is with the beautiful spirit Jen Goff. I met Jen last fall and then was lucky enough to spend a week at the Oregon coast with her (and some other soulfull ladies) earlier this year. Jen teaches me about living my life with an open heart and to listen to the whispers of my intuition. And, I am so excited to be teaching an evening class, Recipes for Self Care, at Art and Soul with her in October.

Enjoy getting to know Jen through these glimpses into her world...


Question 1: Who are you?

Question 2: What do you love about where you live?

Question 3: What might your perfect afternoon look like?

Question 4: If you had an hour alone in your studio/creative space, what would you do?

Question 5: Right now, what are some of your favorite things?

Question 6: What foods nourish your soul?

Question 7: When you need to simply take a breath and reground yourself, what do you do?

Question 8: How do you nurture your creative dreams?

Question 9: Does your heart have a secret wish you want to share?

Jen Goff is a jewelry designer and mixed media artist living in Portland, Oregon. She finds her inspiration in old worn fibers, dream-like photographs, and things collected on walks in the woods. Currently, she is working on a body of work that includes a lichen coat and a seed pod dress. Her hope is that this entire collection will be shown in an open field with live cello music and birds flying overhead. You can see more of what Jen is up to at her blog, Unravel, and view her jewelry at her website, Paper Wings.

(All photos + video copyright Jen Goff)


nine {with Vivienne McMaster}

Nine is an interview series with creative folks that began in the Spring of 2009; the interviewees are asked to respond to the questions in photographs. You can scroll through all the interviews here.

Today's interview is with Vivienne McMaster. Her glorious photographs caught my eye this Spring. Her self-portraits are simply divine and a real source of inspiration for me right now.

Settle in and enjoy these pieces of Miss Vivienne's world...


Question 1: Who are you?

Question 2: What do you love about where you live?

Question 3: What might your perfect afternoon look like?

Question 4: If you had an hour alone in your studio/creative space, what would you do?

Question 5: Right now, what are some of your favorite things?

Question 6: What foods nourish your soul?

Question 7: When you need to simply take a breath and reground yourself, what do you do?

Question 8: How do you nurture your creative dreams?

Question 9: Does your heart have a secret wish you want to share?

Vivienne McMaster is a Photographer and Postpartum Doula based in the beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. She has a great love for lensflare, golden light, striped socks, vintage cameras, belly laughs, and her feline sidekicks. She's been blogging for many years now at http://www.ladyvivienne.blogspot.com/ but now has a brand new website which houses both her photography portfolio, blog, and much more at http://www.viviennemcmaster.com/.

(All photos copyright Vivienne McMaster)


nine {with susan tuttle}

Nine is an interview series with creative folks; the interviewees are asked to respond to the questions in photographs.

Today's interview is with the kindred spirit Susan Tuttle. I was lucky enough to meet Susan last year at Squam, and her writing and photography have captivated me ever since.


Question 1: Who are you?

Question 2: What do you love about where you live?

Question 3: What might your perfect afternoon look like?

Question 4: If you had an hour alone in your studio/creative space, what would you do?

Question 5: Right now, what are some of your favorite things?

Question 6: What foods nourish your soul?

Question 7: When you need to simply take a breath and reground yourself, what do you do?

Question 8: How do you nurture your creative dreams?

Question 9: Does your heart have a secret wish you want to share?

Susan Tuttle is a mixed-media and digital artist who resides in the Midcoast region of Maine with her husband and two young children. Her first book, Exhibition 36: Mixed-Media Demonstrations and Explorations, was released by North Light Books in November 2008. Her second book, which is a technique-based publication about digital art, will be released by North Light Books in April of 2010. Susan is a frequent contributor to Stampington and Company publications and a variety of other mixed-media art books. You can visit her web site at http://www.ilkasattic.com/ and her blog at http://www.ilkasattic.blogspot.com/.

(All photos copyright Susan Tuttle)

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